Help! Need ID please and thank you!


New member
Hello all,

I am new to this forum so forgive me if this is in the wrong thread, but I recently started a 28 gallon JBJ nano cube. I have 20 pounds of live rock and about 8-9 pounds of dry rock. I also have 20 pounds of live sand in there. I purchased the live rock from my LFS and at the time, he had some rocks that were recently given to him from a customer that had just taken down an established tank. The guy at the store gave me a deal on the rock since I mixed it up by taking about 6 pounds of the rock from the customer's batch, and the rest from the store's regular batch. Now I'm about a month into my tank, and have noticed this growing since 2 weeks in. I have heard many mixed things about what it could be. I have heard Caulerpa, Halimeda, hair algae, and just regular seaweed. It has not been growing rapidly and does not seem to have a stem, but I still worry what it could be because it seems to have sprouted onto other parts of the rock also. It is growing on the rock I got from my LFS batch, not the customer's batch.


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I think it's actually kind of pretty, but if conditions are right it can take over a tank and you definitely don't want that. Removing it now is probably your best bet unfortunately. :(