Help needed: Clowns spawned


New member
We just noticed that our clowns, who are hosting in a RBTA have a bunch of eggs that they are tending to below the anemone. Is there any way that these can be raised? Do we have to remove it from the tank?
They have never spawned before, so we are ecstatic, but completely new at this.
Is there any way that we can insure some sort of survival of the young?
There is, but it is a lot of work. Go check out Joyce Wilkerson's book "Clownfishes". A lot of good reading there for the beginner.
Congrat Papa and Mamma. Did you guys have them in of those 120 you had in the wall. I got extra copy of the book if you want to borrow it and breed them. Like Tom said that is alot of work but exciting too. If you decide that you don't want to raise them I will be happy to trade you with another pair and tons of frags on top of that too :D
Yeah, they're in the 120 on the right side. It is our only set of clowns as the mate in the other tank died a few years ago. Interestingly enough, these are both tank raised fish that we it seems like a cycle that they'd then reproduce more captive raised young in our "pseudo-wild setting."

From what I've read, if they spawn once they'll spawn again. Perhaps we should start reading some books and collecting some supplies so that we're ready when it happens again.

Right now the eggs have turned from a bright yellow to a brown color. The fish are kind of tugging on them. They keep taking turns doing that.

I'd hate to get rid of them because we've had them so long. I think I'd like to try to raise some because then I could always pass some along to the tank at school as well. We just have to be better prepared for the next time I guess. I just totally wasn't expecting this. I'm a proud parent :)
You should start seeing eyes. On 10/13 if they are still there turn your pumps (all of them off) at the time that lights go off. Make sure no other lights in the room. Wait about an hour. Taks a flash light to the other side of the tank and shine it to the corner (not toward the eggs). you should see them come to the light. You can scoop them out. If you don't see any that night then turn your pumps back again and do the same the following night. If you keep them in a bucket they will live for few days.
Both tomrep and embryoguy are into raising clowns; if you PM'd them I'm sure they'd be willing to offer help and words of advice. not sure where catawissa is, but we're all from around the Lehigh Valley area. Just fyi.
Would anyone be willing to talk on raising clowns from their own personal experiences and the basic equipment and supplies needed to do this at the NCPARS spring swap? Mo you would be good at this and we haven't seen you in awhile. I also have a few other things I need to talk to you about. I will call you sometime this week. Are you going to the NJ swap, if so we can talk then.

I think this is important info that not many of us know. I know I have 2 books on breeding clowns I just don't have time to read since I can't put JEN Verons Corals of the World books away. LOL
We are doing Breeding Clownfish at all Ohio frag swap on Sunday and we are taking new hatched larvae, two weeks old, 5 weeks old and I think some that are close to 8 weeks old. We are taking equipments used, rotifers, food we use instead of brine shrimp, It looks like I won't make it to NJ meeting because I have big birthday party group at one of my stores. If I am in the country in Spring when NCPARS meeting is then I will be there. There have been things at the time NCPARS has a meeting. With all the business projects that I got myself into my reefing life (which I miss) is not like before. Will try my best to make it to the future meetings. Good that BMAC offered to help with schools and he has been doing a good job there too.