Help needed, not sure where to go from here. Pic included


New member
For the past two weeks my Zoanthids having been barely open or closed most of the time. When I first got them, about 6 weeks ago they were great. They seem to be slowly fading, some look like they are loosing a layer of skin too.

65 gal w/ 20 gal fuge
2x AI SOL. 30-40% intensity throughout the day.
Zoas are near bottom of the tank, moderate flow.

Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Phosphate: 0-.2
Salinity 1.024
Temp: 78

I have done a fresh water dip and then lugols dip yesterday. No hitch hikers found.

Any ideas on what to try next. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • 2013-04-13_16.02.03.jpg
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So I redid the calcium test and it read 400. Not sure what I did wrong the first time. So calcium shouldn't be an issue.
Im going to subscribe to this thread.
I also got a frag a few weeks back. Mine are also staying closed most of the time and when they are open they seem to be loosing color.

Ammonia, Nitrite 0 pmm
Nitrate 5 pmm
Phos 0 pmm
dkh 12-13
Calcium 400
Mg 1485 pmm

I do have them in a 29 gal hex lit by 120w led dimmed half. Not in direct currennt.

was said coral acclimated properly to the lights of your tank? Meaning they weren't just plopped right under the lights then left in their original spot this whole time?
was said coral acclimated properly to the lights of your tank? Meaning they weren't just plopped right under the lights then left in their original spot this whole time?


But on that note the LFS in West Hartford CT. Has some extreme LED lighting over the tank I got it.
You know I should have asked them what the settings are at on their lighting.
I will put them on the bottom of my tank and in a bit more shaded spot to see what happens. On a good note though my frogspawn frag and stag horn frag are loving it. I also noticed my mushrooms are not extending much as well.
Will try moving them as well.

Thanks for the advice. Sorry noob dumb-*** here.
theres always a possibility of a pest like asternia stars the will bother them and can keep them from opening ive noticed when the alk is fluctuating(cant spell at the moment) the zoas in particular dont seem to be very happy but check for stars at nite i know ive had some eat multiple polyps of zoas and palys in the past
I bought a colony about that size one time and it had about 20 vermetid snails on it that kept them from fully opening. I took it out and went to town on then with a pair of tweezers and magnifying glass and they were opened and happy within a few hours. Not saying thats the case for you but could be.. Or zoa spiders or any tiny pest really. Maybe try dipping them in some rx or revive if you have some
Update: I have dipped in Loguls and then recently in Revive with no change. I have also moved it to my Nano tank and still not opening.
try placing them in an area with medium light with shade and minimal water flow.... also once you move them try taking a turkey baster and "blow" water over the closed polyps in an effort to clean the mat from any irritating debris that may have landed there... good luck bud :dance: