Help picking out fish for 135g


New member

I am going to be setting up a 135g cube style ( 36x36x24) mixed reef, that will have mainly LPS...with a few softies and SPS thrown in. My main goal is to have a lot of colorful fish that will go in the tank..since it will be a show tnak in my new office/ showroom.

I honestly don't know where to start. I have been keeping nano reefs for close to 3 years, so it is a lot different fishwise. I am thinking that one or two "show" fish would work.....along with a small school of something and some other "filler" fish that will add to the diversity of the tank.

Here are some species that I like:

Large angels








What do you guys think about these selections? I know alot about compatablitly of the smaller species..but not about the large angels, tangs, and anthias.

Can you guys help me out? Which ones would be too big?


Well if you have a cover, i would DEFINATELY go with a school of 1 male and 3 female anthias. Maybe squarespot anthias? Those would definately brighten up your tank. For a small "show-off" section of your tank, maybe a medium sized anemone with a pair of percula clowns? A yellow tang would certainly brighten up your tank. Also if you have a cover, maybe 2 or 3 small wrasses to add a little diversity and color. If i had a 135, thats what i would do, but sadly, i can only dream...*sigh*...

Then again, its only a suggestion...good luck w/ your tank...

I'd be careful with the large angels as from my understanding most of them are coral nippers and love LPS. Tangs make great additions, I've got a blue hippo, and soon to add either a desjardini sailfin and/ or a naso tang. Foxfaces are fantastic fish as well and are pretty peaceful, and brighten up the tank quickly. As for small fish, I love my bicolor blenny, my pigmy possum wrasse, and my diadem pseudochromis.
Thanks guys. I definantly will go for the Anthias...thier brilliant color is awsome!!

As far as the large angels go, one of my LFS gets in angels that usually safe. Would I be able to keep any of these?
You would be better off with smaller angels, such as a Flame Angel or a Coral Beauty. I would stay away from the larger angels for the reason mentioned above.