help picking return pump for new tank


Active member
as the title says im having some issues trying to figure out what return pump i should run on my new 180 gallon future sps tank

i have a 180 gallon glass tank with a standard trapezoid center overflow with a 2" drain

running a 36" sump below the tank with a ASM G-4 skimmer

i want to return the sump water with an external pump

split the return making one go back directly to the top of the tank and the other one go through my skimmer first then back to the tank

thanks for any help

im having a hard time pickin out the right pump

i was thinking an Iwaki 40RLXT with 1200gph of flow at 4' head

or do i need something with more pressure since some of it is going to be passing through the skimmer??

my skimmer will be on the outside of the stand next to the tank so it wont be anymore than a couple feet more than the other split is
are u using the mag 12 to flow through any other equipment first before it goes back to the tank or just straight back to the tank?
The G-4 is a needlewheel, why are you feeding it with the return pump?

If you want to convert it to a recirculating design, feed it from one of the drains in the tank (or split the drain to feed the skimmer). Your skimmer will perform much better and you won't waste energy/flow having to use your return.

As for a return pump, it will depend on what else you have driving the circulation in the display. If you plan to add some Tunze/Seios in there then a smaller return pump would be fine (I actually use a Dart for a return on my 180 using all 4 holes in the overflow for drains and run 2 6100s). Definately look into the Iwaki/Blueline for lower flow pumps, the quality and low noise/maintenance requirements make the price well worth it. For higher flow requirements check out the Dart - it seems to opperate best with a little head pressure and the 2 I run are dead silent.
o no im sorry im not feein the skimmer with the return pump i was just giving some info of what kinda skimmer i have if it matters on how much flow comes through the sump...

the skimmer will be ran off the sedra pump it came with

im just lookin for a return pump that will go through my chiller on one of the split ends
oh and by the way i have a Dart that i just got in the mail for my closed loop system im guna be running with an OM 4 way unit

could i use another dart for the sump return though?

i was thinking it was guna be too much for the sump return ....

would my overflow be able to keep up with the dart or would i have to throttle it down some?

thanks for your help!
Murph, I vote for the dart ? Where is the chiller going to be located? You know me, I'm big on getting as much stuff away from the tank as you can. My chiller and ballasts are in the garage, the skimmer, Ca\kalk reactors and other fun stuff are located in the closet next to the tank room.
I second or third the dart as a main sump return pump. I have a AGA 180 RR, and ran a Barracuda as my main return but had to ditch it cuz it was much (MUCH) too loud for an understand pump in our living room. I put a dart in to replace it and moved the cuda into the garage on an OM8way closed loop setup.

I also use all four of my overflow holes as drains, and took a dremel cool to enlarge the slots in the overflow teeth so they can handle that much water. Darts get my number one vote for quiet and high flow. Not quite as quiet as the velocity pumps, but don't have the issues where they increase your tank temp either.

Oh, something else to consider is the watt / amp draw of whatever pump you pick. Some can run up the electric bill pretty quickly.
for some reason i was thinking a dart would be overkill on a sump return but i guess thats not true?

i could make the 2 return holes in the overflow box drains also then and just plumb the returns above the overflow box....

ill have to see what i can do...

yeah that was my main reason for getting the dart was to save money in electricity mainly out here in southern california its expensive

IMO a dart is too much . Why have such a high flow rate thru the sump .

Stuff just blows by the skimmer. IMO flow rate of a sump should be anywhere from 5-10x tanks volume an hr. That is more than enuff to make sure the skimmer gets the junk out or for a fuge to work .
c thats what i thought that u wanted things to flow through the sump at a slower rate or else a lot of stuff is going to miss the skimmer

thats why i was thinking a 1200gph pump would be good no?
hey clkwrk i c u install hardwood flooring.... thats what i do too out here in so cali my pops owns a flooring business and i install all that stuff wood is my fortaie :D

thanks for your help
NP . .........Yeah been installing wood for 5+ years and love it . Although the trade bs that comes with it gets on my nerves sometimes.

And that the state I live in is a right ot work state so price and wages suck compared to other places But I can still make 6digits a year doing what I love(besides salt tanks ;) )
tell me about it i have to run the guys and theres always some crap that goes on whinning and all of that drama lol between grown men....

hey how does ur tank do with the lower alk i noticed on your stats cuz im always stressin tryin to keep mine at 8 in my current tank its hard to keep above 7
right now the 6.2 is too low IMO . I have been sick the last few weeks and the last 2 day I failed to check everything over.

My feed pump for my calcium reactor got blocked which pretty much stopped my effulent. By the amount of the drop it happened the first day I didn't check .

Normally I keep it at 7.7 and my sps love but I also run a nutirent poor system . If I fail to feed for a couple days my corals will lighten up . I think the nutrient poor enviroment allows me to run my tank closer to NSW.

I also used to run higher 9-10 dkh but didn't notice any difference . Only that it was harder to maintain.
