Help Please Halimeda dieoff

Hey there......

You've tested the calcium levels? The Iodine/Iodide levels? What type of lighting do you have? How many watts per gallon??

Where did you get this portion of halimeda from?

.........Other than calcium and lighting.........among other can infact be effected by higher than tolerated nitrates and phosphates...........test those.........if they are higher than normal, the halimeda can oddly enough be reacting from that.

I've got some halimeda in my tank as well.........not looking so perfect this week either!!!
Calcium is 480

Show tank has a K2R reactor, and it gets regular kalwasser

I don't have an Iodine test

4 - 400 w halides, 4 - 110 w vho's

This halimeda has been growing well in our show tank for 6 years.
Never a problem till now

The only thing different that has been done lately

I ran the U.V. for one day For the first time in 6 years.
Have you any possible feasters in there that may find it suffice enough to nick at and nibble on????? There are only a few that will actually take a decent enough liking to chomping on it every now and again.......

species of hermits and crabs and so on??? Any housed in there???

FIRST water change in 6 years?????????? Whoa!!!!!!!!! I'm stunned right now.......probably just because I'm a religious water changer and tank cleaner and do it weekly...............

Everyone has got their way...........and apparently yours works for you..........absolutely great!!!!!

Your calcium is right on target.....that level would keep the halimeda very your lighting should..........

I'm thinking maybe someone has aquired a small tase for it? or at least a sample of the algae.............and it's just reacting now?
They also tolerate extensive pruning very well.......sdo you often cut it back?????