help please


New member
i have a 3" Maroon Clownfish that has been in my tank for a long time.i put a 6" dogface puffer in last week and the clown is hitting the puffer at feeding time.what can i do let it play out or what?thanks for any help.
Well, maybe you can try feeding in separate parts of the tank for a while. Otherwise, I would let it play out. How big are they? The dogface puffer can usually handle itself.
3" Maroon Clownfish and 6" is not just when they eat it is about every time they get close to each other
Does the clown have a mate or an anenome it is being protective of? Try feed them food that is on separate parts of the mussels on the bottom (naturally sinks), flake/pellets/mysis/etc that is on or near the surface. The puffer will go for the mussell first most likely....

Kind of odd....usually the puffer will be able to take care of himself. What size tank are we talking about here? That 3" maroon is likely a female and um....kind of a *****. She may pick on the puffer but if she pushes him too far he may use that beak to get more than even.

Try re-arranging all the aquascaping and leaving the tank lights off for a day or two.