Help plz : Micro bubbles problem


New member
I'm using sicce 2.0 (568 gph) as my return pump and there are a lot of micro bubbles return to the tank. I tried to turn off the skimmer and it didn't help either. Does it mean that my return pump is not strong enough ?

My set up is 45 gallon oceanic tech and eshop sump.
what type of overflow, what type of drain, durso, herbie, beananimal, do you run a sock , is overflow drain submerged in sump.
what type of overflow, what type of drain, durso, herbie, beananimal, do you run a sock , is overflow drain submerged in sump.

Hi Sam, I have a build in over flow with durso drain style. The drain pipe runs straight down to the sock and i don't think it submerged in the sump. Here are a few picture i just took so that you can have an idea.


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Might be the water level is to low in the chamber where the pump is try and raise the level and see if the bubbles go away.
picture of tank, showing return.

Attachments are the pictures that you are asking for :)

Might be the water level is to low in the chamber where the pump is try and raise the level and see if the bubbles go away.

The water level is only little bit less than the skimmer chamber. I also tried to raise it up and down. but didn't seem to help :(

New skimmer by chance? If so it needs to break in.

I unplugged the skimmer and there are still bubbles get into the tank.

Is it a filter pad?

Yes, its the whie and blue filter pad.


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Im going to guess that you return pump is sucking air from some where. check you line gong up from the pump to your return and see if there is any salt creep. Do you have clamps on all your fittings and joints?
Thats what I say too. The pump or the return tubing is sucking in air.
I would first start with adding water to the sump. If it stops then it is the pump or bottom joint. Next check the clamps on the tubing.
Try removing the loc-line from the return and test it that way. This will help you determine if the issue is at the pump, line or, what my guess is, the loc-line nuzzle.
My 2cents.
The return line is under pressure, not suction, so once the water leaves the pump I think you have almost a zero chance of adding bubbles to the return water. Looking at the middle picture of your sump, I would have to believe if you shined a nice bright flashlight in the return pump chamber you will see your bubbles there. Then your pump is simply pushing them up to the display. Mine will do this if my return pump chamber gets real low. The exit to your skimmer looks like its pretty much dumping the exit water right into the next chamber, if I'm right this is your issue. Turn the skimmer body 90 degrees to put the skimmer exit as far away from the next chamber as possible.
If that doesn't completely solve your issue raise your skimmer like 2 or three inches, looks like you have PVC 90 elbows to raise the skimmer already, just add 4 equal length pvc pipes to those 90's to add some heigth. looks like you have plenty of room to do this, also raise the water level in the sump by the same amount thus keeping your skimmer in the same depth of water. This will essentially add to the volume of water in the last chamber, it will also make it harder for air to make it past your last divider.

Let us know
First, I want to say thank you to everyone that tried to help me out. I've been busy and couldn't reply to your questions right away.

You are absolutely right. Oblio. I just tried the flashlight and looking from the top down i can see there are micro bubbles in the return chamber. I moved the skimmer further to the left away from the bubble trap and clearly, my tank is much more clear now. Thank you. If you don't mind, i have another question...

I will try to raise my skimmer up later today since i don't have any extra pvc on hand now. My question you think Would it help if i take off my 45 Degree elbow that i modded in the return skimmer, and let the return skimmer half submerged ?
You don't want your exit from your skimmer under water, what your suggesting is (if I understand your question correctly) would be fine till you turned the pump off, then the water level would rise and the exit would be underwater then your skimmers level has the potential to change, possibly overflow. Now this may or may not be something your concerned with, your call.
BTW, I don't see this 45 in any of the pictures, so its hard to honestly tell. But as a general rule you don't submerge your skimmer return, the skimmer gets some back pressure from having to have to push the air below the water level to escape.
What I did was this, against what I just said my return drops straight down under the water line, HOWEVER I drilled 2 small'ish holes in this downpipe above the water line, even when the pump is off these holes are above the water line. This does 2 things, first off it lets the air escape and the skimmer does not have this back pressure, secondly because the water is inside this down-pipe until it goes below the water line its dead silent. No falling water sound from my skimmer return. By doing this my skimmer never needs adjusting, it just runs regardless of the water level outside the skimmer.

Good luck