help! reef fuel


New member
hello guys
I have question
I read a lot of feedback about reef fuel is great product and i want add this but its add trace elements
I want buy and try use with it
But I think I have a little problem I use with calcium reactor that add trace elements to my tank and I thought if I use with reef fuel that same like reactor add trace elements it's not interfere for my system?
because I afraid that I over dose the trace elements if I use with reactor and with reef fuel it's can interfere or the reef fuel not a dosage so much trace elements to do problem for my system ?
Thanks for advanced
Is there some reason you need Reef Fuel?
Corals not growing fast enough?
More is not always better.
1 vitamin might help you if you dont get enough nutrients. 10 a day will not do much but put your money in someone elses pocket
Is there some reason you need Reef Fuel?
Corals not growing fast enough?
More is not always better.
1 vitamin might help you if you dont get enough nutrients. 10 a day will not do much but put your money in someone elses pocket

not grow enough all parameters fine
i just ask if i can combine clacium reactor with reef fuel this my question?
Used "fuel" for a year now.
Does it provide growth....I can't tell.....their growing....but how can one attribute that to the fuel....