HELP! Strange bubble on hammer after polyp bailout!


New member
This is my first time posting on these forums, although I've been lurkin' around for a while :p

Anyways, I've decided to join these now because I am absolutely stumped- and frankly really worried.

I went to the TFP/TPP Frag swap on Saturday. I was looking everywhere for a nice bird's nest- I had one when I first was setting up my tank, eight months ago, but I had a large crash. I got all of my parameters back down to 0 and headed down to Lancaster, where I picked up a few things (actually less than i had planned, but perhaps that is for the best)

I currently have a leather, frogspawn, and zoas in my tank. I picked up two small frogspawn colonies, a bunch of zoas,and two corals that I got as a 2 for 25 deal.
Now- the vendor who had the two for 25 had one clearly dying hammer in his tank and several other frags. All of the other frags seemed perfectly healthy, including a BEAUTIFUL cornbred's crown of thorns birdsnest. He wanted 25 for two or 15 for one, so I grabbed a closed hammer (not the dying one) and the birdsnest.

But, literally hours after I put it into the tank, the coral began polyp bailout, and the birdsnest started deteriorating. I believed that it was my flow, so I turned off 95% of the flow in my tank, since most of my corals are very low flow anyways.

On Monday I just upgraded to corallife t5 with two actinic and two daylights, just a little while after two of the three heads had completely died. I tried moving it, twice, now I have put it closer to the light.

But- here's the thing. I have moved it, and now it has this bubble around the last head, which appears to have also bailed. What is this? Had this ever happened to anyone? I am really confused, and worried for my other corals.

My other corals are well and thriving, including other euphyllias. Here are my params (I had a mini-spike after the hammer's bailout):

Salt: 1.025
Nitrite: 1.0
Nitrate: <10
Ammnia: 1.5
Phosphate: <.5
Calcium: 420
Ph: 8.3

Here's a video of it:

Thank you!
Euphyllia that have been recently fragged, especially those done in a hurry for a swap or a show, can suffer from infections. Generally, those clear up with a week or two of recovery, but when the corals are repeatedly stressed over the next few days, a bacterial infection can turn into a massive outbreak.
Infected Euphyllia tend to present a couple different symptoms. Some dissolve away, leaving behind withered polyps and a white cottage-cheese like tissue. Others abandon the colony in response to an infection travelling up their stalk... the bubble that crowned out of your abandoned stalk, if I had to guess, was the last bit of that euphyllia's digestive tract, expanded with infectious tissue. In the future, try to siphon that out so it can't spread that infection further.