Help! Tank crash and losing/lost corals... trying to recover


New member
Tank: 105 Gallon Acrylic Cube (36 x 30 x 22) with 29 Gallon Sump.

So about 3 weeks ago I added a new LED (Reefbreeders Photon 32) and mounted it my canopy probably 6" over the water after having removed the lenses to get more spread. (I set it on a daily routine with nightime moons at 3% blues and daily light from 5% ramping up to 30% for all channels at peak hours and back down. I ran it like that for a week and all my corals looked great and better than they had with T5s after only a week. Then I pulled all my fish out due to an ich problem I'd been having and moved them to a QT tank. In the process I pulled my 29 sump to fix a broke baffle and replaced it with a 10 gallon temporarily. Things were still doing fine at this point (2 weeks into new LED) with my LPS expanding larger than I'd ever seen and I added some SPS frags I picked up while working on the 29. I also pulled my Jebao WP40 pump at this time and the only circulation was from the returns as I had a WP25 on the way.

I fixed the 29G sump by adding and moving around the baffles and sealing them in place with the 3 hour rain ready 100% GE Silicone without the mold protection. I waited a couple days while it dried and then switched out the sumps. When I switched them out I also added the WP25 in (traded the wp40 for the wp25 with another reefer). This was about 4 days after having pulled the WP40. I made up about 20 gallons of new saltwater with regular Instant Ocean as I'd ran out of my Kent I normally used for the sump swap. I swapped everything out and dumped some more Kent Tech M in as I've been dealing with some bryopsis and trying to bring mag up. I didn't measure how much I dumped because the online cal told me I needed 96 oz to get to 1800ppm and I still have some left of my 64oz. I'm guessing I dumped in 8-12oz of tech m after shaking it up. I dumped it in one end of the sumped and it was enough to cloud the sump water a little where it went in.

The next morning after the changes I noticed my open brain not looking good and my blue carpet anemone closed up but didn't think much of it and went to work. I came home to find everything looking awful (frogspawn, torch, brain, candy canes, anemones (a GBTA split and both moved behind the rock), devils hand and keyna were deflated and lifeless and everything was sliming badly. All of my shrimp still in the tank appear fine 2 x peppermints, CBS, and Cleaner. Snails appear to have had some effect with some appearing dead and others "hibernating" or laying upside down and moving around a bit disoriented. A majority of the Zoas were closed up. Pod population is and has been off the charts the entire time with seeing them crawling on everything including my bleached monti plates. I've noticed a bubbly film developing in the return pump area of my sump as well.

I did an immediate 30 gallon water change with water I had ready and started making more water. I also removed my GFO which was somewhat old and pretty full of detritus and started carbon in the TLF 150 reactor. I also pulled my Sea Apple out (had been doing fine) but read that even their toxin was only harmful to vertebrates so ruled that out.

I checked all parameters at this point and here's what I got:
Temp has been 76-78 with Apex
PH has been 7.9-8.2 with Apex
Amm: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 20ppm
Phosphates: 0.15ppm
Copper: 0 (tested just in case)
Mag: 1800ppm
Alk: 7.5dkh
Calcium: 420ppm

Things weren't improving although most of the Zoas had opened back up. The next day I did another 30+ gallon water change and tested some more.
Amm: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 10ppm
Mag: 1200ppm
Alk: 7.5dkh
Calcium: 420ppm

After running carbon for 4-5 days I swapped it back for fresh GFO this past weekend to help bring down the phosphates however I've seen little positive progress in a week. At this point it appears I've lost all SPS (all are bleached). My Devils hand and kenyas are no longer laying completely over and are rising a little but still no polyp extension. My frogspawn still appear deflated and stringy. My GBTAs are still hidden and barely open, carpet is inflating but not nearly where it was and mouth is open a little. Brain is still sliming a little and deflated, bubble is not inflating many bubbles, some of the candy canes have melted away and others are deflated with tentacles partially exposed. Torch is barely inflated with a grayish look.

I don't know if it's a waiting game at this point or if there is still something that may be off. I can't find anything with parameters that would cause this. I haven't noticed stray voltage touching the tank but could stray voltage effect the corals like this? I know I added the WP25 at the same time so maybe I'll try using a multimeter tonight to test for stray voltage in the water. I know LEDs can do some damage if too strong but my corals seemed to improve in the 2 weeks I had the new LED on before this crash. I also dropped the max intensity to 20% after the crash to see if that helped. I'm really at a loss as to what to do now.

Pictures below of the damage:

Zoas appear mostly ok after initial water change (these are also fairly high in the tank in direct light)





Torch... little extension... deflated and grayed.
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I don't know if its a misprint. But your first mag reading was 1800 & then it went too 1200. But 1200 is about where u want it since cal is 420. Usually 3x the cal. Your doing a lot of changes in a short time. That's usually really hard on tank & corals. Bit I'd really doubt it's lighting issue since u have them turned low anyways.
But why do u want magnesium at 1800. That's too high when calcium is at 420. You shouldn't dose heavy all at once unless its really urgent.
Well the Mag actually would have been higher before the crash around 1400-1600ppm as I'd been dosing Tech M Mag gradually over the past few weeks to bring it up to kill off some bryopsis. I've heard you can bring it up 100ppm/day without negative effects and since it was going to take around 96 oz to get my tank from 1400 where it had been when I started to 1800ppm to kill the bryopsis then adding 8-12 oz at a time wasn't going to hurt it and I had been doing that over the past 3 weeks and haven't ran through my 64 oz bottle. The Mag dropped back down to normal due to the water changes. I figured if the problem was too high of mag to fast then dropping it back down would only help. Others have told me that Mag wouldn't cause this problem.
Can you take a picture or post a link to the silicone you used? I suspect that your problems may be due to using the wrong silicone.
I agree

I agree

Can you take a picture or post a link to the silicone you used? I suspect that your problems may be due to using the wrong silicone.

There is a ge Silicone that says 3 hour rain ready adhesive 100% Silicone.something like that.
To tell if its the wrong one it should silicone /adhesive.. When you apply it its kinda a yellowing tint to it.. NOT Clear or white looking like the true 100% clear..
There is a ge Silicone that says 3 hour rain ready adhesive 100% Silicone.something like that.
To tell if its the wrong one it should silicone /adhesive.. When you apply it its kinda a yellowing tint to it.. NOT Clear or white looking like the true 100% clear..

Yes, GE silicone II 3 hour rain ready says it's 100% silicone, but it's not safe for aquarium use.

If using the GE silicone, one must absolutely use GE silicone I.
I was about to post back that I think I've found the problem and sure enough that's it. I thought that I and II did not have the moldicides if it wasn't the kitchen and bath variety but the back of the bottle now reads "mold-free protection". I called GE to confirm and they said that yes all GE Silicone II contains mold inhibitors even the doors and windows variety.

I shutdown my sump and am making more saltwater. Is it ok to use silicone I doors and windows or should I pony up the $22 for a tube of silicone at my LFS.
I was about to post back that I think I've found the problem and sure enough that's it. I thought that I and II did not have the moldicides if it wasn't the kitchen and bath variety but the back of the bottle now reads "mold-free protection". I called GE to confirm and they said that yes all GE Silicone II contains mold inhibitors even the doors and windows variety.

I shutdown my sump and am making more saltwater. Is it ok to use silicone I doors and windows or should I pony up the $22 for a tube of silicone at my LFS.

I've used silicone I for on aquariums for years, but if I were in your shoes, I'd probably be hesitant to use the GE stuff.
I just ordered some Marineland Aquarium Sealant shipped overnight from Amazon for $15 which should work out well as it gives me tonight to pull the sump and remove the old silicone.

Aside from changing out as much water as possible, does anyone think that running carbon would help with removing remaining moldicides? I ran it for 5 days or so and didn't seem to notice a big difference but maybe it was helping with the silicone continuing to leach moldicides into the water.
Run carbon.... I run carbon 24/7 and it can only help your tank... Make sure you rise your carbon first, to remove dust.
I agree with lots of fresh carbon and water changes. The GE Silicone I should be okay, although I've never used it, personally.
I pulled the sump last night and scraped out all the Silicone. Going to re-silicone it tonight with the good stuff. Just since shutting down the sump, many corals are already showing some improvement but my SPS still appear lost. I wonder how long I hang onto them before I call them dead once I get this changed out.

The water changes are becoming hard right now as the membrane appears to be failing on my RODI and my 100gpd production is down to about 30 gpd.
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