Hi All, I wanted to know how to get a mantis out as quckly as possible without doing to much harm to the rocks and the living creatures in it. I thought i found the only mantis in my first shipment of tampabaysaltwater live rock. It turns out that there are more than one. The first one i have isolated in a ten gallon. He is still in the rock and refuses to come out. After i setup the aquascape i started to hear the clicking again from inside the display tank. The rocks has a lot of corals sponges and inverts on it and i was wondering if there is a way to get this mantis out without harming or doing to much damage. There are only about 6 rocks that he could be in and i can take them out one at a time with no problem. Peopl have suggested dipping the rock in freshwater or VERY salty water but i need to know the after effect of this to the rock. Thank all