help, tunze 3155 i need more time than 10 minutes...


New member
im mounting all ths the stuff today, and i have a problema let me see if i can explain:

i have aquarium and sump, optic sensor would be on sump, the problema is that, i dont have the pump 12v connect on the osmolator, instead i have na electrovalve... when the water level goes below the osmolator kicks in and the valve is open to let the water in.....

well the problem is: the electrovalve is connected to a reverse osmosis filter system, and as you may know the water coming from reverse osmosis takes too long, really slow, so the problema is that the osmolator has a maximium working time of 10 minutes.... so that 10 minutes is not enought for my reverse osmosis work to fill the sump to the right level, i need like 20 30 minutes....

how do i change time in the osmolator? or i remove it?

any thing i can do ?

please help me

im here at the fórum at the moment as soon as you answer, i answer back...

wait for answer

The time limit is one of the fail-safe mechanisms of the Osmolator. It's there to prevent overfilling and cannot be changed. But the way you're proposing to set up the system doesn't sound ideal; some good suggestions were given in your thread in the Lighting/Filtration/Equipment forum. Following those should help you get around this problem.