Help with Aquascaping


New member
Anyone in PPines near Flamingo & Pines?

I really need help with my tank. I have like ZERO creativity, and really do NOT like the way I set up all the rocks and stuff.

If anyone's nearby, and can lend a hand, I'd appreciate it.

I wish I had time, I love to aquascape! When your tank is truely set up and it has gone through a cycle and so on I will have a frag of xenia for you.
I could help you next weekend....
I will send you some pics of my tank and you decide if you like what I have done. PM me with a regular email address to send you the pics.
It's been up for about 6-8 weeks SG: 1.023, pH: 8.1.
Other levels 0 or negligible. Started brown algae about 5 weeks ago, green algae about a week after the brown started, so the good green stuff has been growing about 4 weeks so far. Small patches on the rocks here and there.

That would be MOST cool. I'll have beer on ice, and food for the belly - let me know the preferences for both!

72g Bowfront
'bout 60-70lbs live sand
'bout 25-35lbs live rock, 20lbs of other rock, hoping to BE live!

(2) Oscellaris clowns
(2) Green Chromis
(1) Foxface Lo
(1) Purple Tang
(1) Yellow-Eye Tang
(1) Half-and-Half Wrasse
(1) Midas Blenny
(1) Goldenhead Sleeper Goby
(1) Red-spotted Cardinal
(1) Columbian shark (1 of the first inhabitants)
(1) LT Anemone
(1) Green Bulb-Tip Anemone (couldn't resist the color)
(2) of these funky pink/purple slugs
(1) Electric red flame scallop

(1) Emerald crab
(2) Sally Lightfoot Crabs
(5) Snails
(3) red-legged hermit crabs

Some corals here and there. Got a couple Xenia's Friday, some zoo's, couple mushrooms on rocks, and a green-highlighted flat open brain coral of some sort. Don;t know the name. Looks like someone dropped some fluorescent green paint here and there on it, if that can describe the coloring.

Everything is pretty much healthy, and eating. Switching around the food, ie, Mysis and brine shrimp, some Formula 2 algae balls, marine flakes, seaweed on veggie clips, etc..
But, I do think it's too soon for the corals, but my wife insisted on trying. However, I didn;t spend much, foreseeing failure. She REALLY loves the Xenia's and their opening/closing looking like hands waving!

If I start to see them go South, is it possible to transfer them to someone else's tank for safekeeping? Any volunteers nearby?

I'll try to put up a pic tomorrow

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If u ever need some pls let me know as I get rid of tons of it-white pompom. (FREE)
BTW patience is the key.
As far as aquascaping again patience is the key. SOme people drill holes and then wrapp with plastic-some others use epoxy to secure rocks. IME patience and careful planning gets u there.:smokin:
If I start to see them go South, is it possible to transfer them to someone else's tank for safekeeping?
Hey Tony...
I'll bring you, some of my homemade food too..
It has cyclopeez, brine shrimp, shrimp, scallops, squid, fish....
I mean a ton of stuff. When the next batch is due, I will add selcon, garlics and a few other goodies people have recommended.