Help with AWI RO setup


New member
Hey guys,

If anyone in the area of Boca Raton, or anyone who feels pretty comfortable with setting up an AirWaterIce Dual Home Reef RO/DI setup could provide some quick support while AWI isn't open, I would really appriciate their help. My family just got one, and I'm not down in Boca to help set it up. My dad is very technical, however because AWI didn't include any graphical instructions or diagrams to put it together, and didn't label the parts, so it's kind of a crapshoot at this point as to whether or not it's set up correctly. He's got most of everything together, the only issue is that since nothing is labeled, and it's got both an RO only and DI water out, we're having a hard time getting it all together with the directions included.

Anyway, if anyone is available for help, I would really appriciate it, as would he. You're also welcomed to some frags for helping :).

Just PM me if you can help.

Thank you!!

Thanks Manny and Pedro!

Manny I found the directions online, however as you can see there is no specific diagram or anything like that to follow, and the internet at our house isn't working because of our stupid server, so he can't access that. Thank you though.
Your dad called me, I answered his questions and I think he's on the right track now. I told him to give me a call tomorrow if he runs into trouble, but he seems like a very capable guy.

Shouldn't you be studying or drinking beer or something? :)

Have a good night.

P.S. Hey, is Bullwinkle's still open up there? I played there years ago when I was a rock star. That was a fun place.
Hahaha! Pedro, thank you very much for your help! Yes, we're actually at a friend's place BBQing and... studying.... Anyway, thanks again, and if there is anything that you need or I can help you with when I come back down, just let me know, I owe you.

Yes, Bullwinkle's is still up and running, quite the popular place. I believe it's 21+ so I'm not able to go yet, but come December, I will be there indeed. Nice to see another musician in this hobby.

Take care