Help with change over


New member
Going to replace my 90 gal reef tank with a 180 gal. Any suggestions as how to do this would be appreciated. My idea was to take my new rocks and using the water from one of my water changes to start turning them into live rock. Would probably let them go for about two months or so just bubbling away with a air stone and heater working. Then when new tank is ready setup the tank and place the new live rock in it. Fill with new salt water and move my corals and fish over from my old tank. Do you think this would work.
Yes it would, I've done it before. Just make sure the new rock is completely cycled before you start up the new tank. Two-three months should do it, just monitor parameters.
Is there any reason why your not using any of your old live rock? I would take a couple pieces and a small amount of sand and transfer to new tank to help jump start the cycle.
If these new rocks are clean/dry and you are using your old rock too then you can transfer everything in one day and be up and running..
Thank you for the info. With the bigger tank want to create a better display for the corals while making it easier to add new ones. Thought by going to all new rocks I would get rid of any little pest attached to the present rocks. Giving me a total new start over. A clean slate and I would be a more careful when introducing new corals into tank.:eek1: