help with coast to coast overflow.


New member
im looking into rebuilding my 225 gallon tank with a coast to coast external overflow. how do i go about doing this in a standard tank with dual center brace?or can i even do it? my other question is how do i drill the bottom of the overflow with out cracking the glass? it will be 4 inches wide and i plan on drilling 3.5 inch holes.thanks in advance
i have drilled glass a few times and it doesn't scare me any more. but i wouldn't drill a 3.5" hole in a 4" piece of glass. if you have to do that then i would drill the glass before i cut it to size. why don't you increase it to 6", you would have more space to work with.
a weird option for your overflow is to drill multiple holes along the top of the tank where you plan on putting the overflow. then use egg crate to keep stuff from getting through.
4 inches is my max space behind the tank.that would be alot of bulkheads along the back of the tank lol but its a good idea. i may concider it. i wonder if they would be noisy if i set that up like that?
you could always use 1.5" drain lines from your overflow. that would take a smaller hole. just add an extra pipe or two?
Im actually giving up on the tank :( I bought an oceanic 210 and will be drilling it this week...when I have some more money ill fix the 225 and sell it so it can be enjoyed by someone else