Help with filter socks

From personal experience, should you be running am automated doser... remember to calibrate it. I remember thinking one day that my numbers didn't make sense.. I felt like I was over dosing the heck out of my Vinegar, Alk, and Calc... and then I found out that the doser was only dosing 1/4th of the intended dosage! :lol:

Maybe in your case the doser could be over dosing?

  • Dosser has been off for a couple of days now
  • Tank is looking much cleaner now
  • Filter socks are now lasting a full day
  • The new skimmer is doing a pretty good job at getting all the stuff out, but it is still breaking in
  • I've lost two corals so far to this issue (Red Dragon I just got from Z :-( and my Chalice is not looking too good)
  • All the other corals took a hit and on "defense mode", but since I moved the ones I could to my frag tank, most are doing good.

As for my dosser, I had calibrated it before I installed it, so I don't think that was the issue. I truly believe that the issue was me and all the changes I made at the same time. In a larger tank, they might have not caused any issues, but with this size tank, the effects were almost immediate and brutal.

The good news is that things are slowly going back to normal. I target fed some corals last night since the bacterial bloom would have depleted all the nutrients in the water column and they were looking very "Hungry" for lack of a better way to describe it.

One thing is for sure... I learned a lesson and if I survive this disaster, in the future, I will only make small changes over a longer period of time. Thanks again to all that have helped and provided me with advise.