New member
I have a 430 gallon tank with a 150 gallon sump. I have 2 pvc pipe for my overflow that runs into a 5 gallon bucket with a bunch of fitler pads and the bucket has holes in it that sits on aother bucket turned upside down in my sump. So basically water comes out of my pvc pipes into the bucket threw the filters then back into the sump. O yeah I also have a canister filter in there too. My girlfriend says the running water is knda of noisy. Is there anything I can do to make this queit? Or can someone tell me a better way to run my filtration. I can't do anything about the two pvc pipes coming out of the tank.Since this is a large tank forum I figure I could get help here.I would also like to know how some of yall with large tank filtration is run if its queit.