help with green star polyps and frogspawn coral


New member
hi guys i just have a couple of questions i have a green star polyps that ive had for 5 months now and it has spread for the past couple of months but a couple of weeks ago it stop fully opening im wondering why since i have a smaller green star polyp on the other side of the tank and is fully opening. and i have a frogspawn coral that i just bought with a small hammer coral and the hammer coral is doing very well but the frogspawn coral not so much. any suggestion? sorry for my writing english is not my first language.


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Looks like you have quite a bit of softies in this tank? What are your nitrate and phosphate levels? Place the frogspawn near the hammer and see if it perks up? I am guessing you do not have a Par meter to check lighting levels. So many times our eyes deceive us on our light levels. If you are running a skimmer with that many softies you may want to turn it off and see if your GSP opens up.
And welcome to RC
my nitrate and my phospate levels are normal .25 and .05 and no i dont have a par meter but the light that i used are the usa current light im using 2 of those since ive heard theyre not too strong and im using a hydor koralia 240 and no skimmer at all. and unfortunately my frogspawn has turned brown i dont think theres no coming back from it and thank you for welcoming me.

Looks like you have quite a bit of softies in this tank? What are your nitrate and phosphate levels? Place the frogspawn near the hammer and see if it perks up? I am guessing you do not have a Par meter to check lighting levels. So many times our eyes deceive us on our light levels. If you are running a skimmer with that many softies you may want to turn it off and see if your GSP opens up.
And welcome to RC
.25 nitrates for softies and lps is not normal. 2 to 5 ppm is better. Just because your frogspawn is brown doesn’t necessarily mean it’s gone, just means it not getting enough proper light. Move it to where the hammer is
Couple questions,
What size is that tank?
How long has it been cycled?
Do you do weekly water changes of at least 10% min.?
Any filtration setup for softy coral toxins? Charcoal etc? Something else or none?

GSP does like good lighting, so moderate lighting at least as well as good water quality & water flow that isn't linear, but moves everything back & forth like a wave maker does, or multiple small power heads etc.

This many soft corals causes a lot of toxin warfare more then hard corals so water changes & charcoal filtering within reason not too much would really help.

After all this is addressed then lighting would be at the bottom of the list if all else failed.

I do remember my GSP being my ( canary in a cage) tank indicator in the beginning & would be very sensitive & close up if anything was not spot on before anything else i had
would start to decline, so its telling you something is not within min. marine parameters for soft coral in a tank, hopefully the list above will help to locate the issue.

Good luck tweaking is part of the fun!
the tank is 10 gallon.
ive had the tank for about 8 months now.
i usually clean every weekend 40-50% water change.
i have a hob filter seachem 35 gallon which i usually put charcoal in there but its been more than a month old so i might need to change that soon.
that could be the problem lol.
i was worried my light or my powerdhead might be too strong but i guess not lol.

Couple questions,
What size is that tank?
How long has it been cycled?
Do you do weekly water changes of at least 10% min.?
Any filtration setup for softy coral toxins? Charcoal etc? Something else or none?

GSP does like good lighting, so moderate lighting at least as well as good water quality & water flow that isn't linear, but moves everything back & forth like a wave maker does, or multiple small power heads etc.

This many soft corals causes a lot of toxin warfare more then hard corals so water changes & charcoal filtering within reason not too much would really help.

After all this is addressed then lighting would be at the bottom of the list if all else failed.

I do remember my GSP being my ( canary in a cage) tank indicator in the beginning & would be very sensitive & close up if anything was not spot on before anything else i had
would start to decline, so its telling you something is not within min. marine parameters for soft coral in a tank, hopefully the list above will help to locate the issue.

Good luck tweaking is part of the fun!
Honestly with such a small tank you have to REALLY be on top of maintenance constantly.
It looks pretty stuffed with livestock & the filter on the HOB must be cleaned at least 1-2 times a week.
I remove the charcoal bag filter on mine after it has run 1 week with the new spoonful of charcoal then i unclip it & dispose of the used charcoal & well wash out the filter bag with used tank water & put the clean bag back on with no charcoal & put back in place.
This way the bag retains bacteria & will help with bio filtering & the charcoal is used just a week a month.
Not cleaning the filter is asking for trouble when it gets nasty it will foul a tank fast and must be kept clean just like a filter sock on a larger sys will. Really hard to keep such a small tank pristine without constant care, good luck.