Help with my order please??

Mr James

Premium Member
I will be ordering a few things here shortly, just as soon as I get all my ducks in a row. I am knee deep in JBNY's post in the lighting section; I may change my mind on which bulb I want. Here is what I am going to order so far: (2) ICE-250NHB 250watt NEW style halide ballast, (2) PFO-ELBOX *74690 EL BOX - For Ice MH - No Ballast Inc., (2) 10K-250W Halide Bulb - XM; I know I need a pair of reflectors and a mogul socket, but which one?? The tank is an 75g AGA RR. Any suggestions on which reflector?? Do I also need some wiring connectors, which one(s)?? I'm also going to order a few other miscellanious items, but I don't necessarily need help with that.

If you get the Icecap ballast and the PFO EL box, you would want the PFO socket and cord mogule, item code: PFO-SA8MOG it will plug right into that EL box, so afteryou do a little wiring, your system will look just like a store bought fully wired system.

On the reflector, if you do not plan on having any actinics, i would just get PFO optimal (code: reef-lector) If you are going to run PC's or VHo actinics, then you might want to go with a couple 24" PARALLEL REFLECTORS code PFO-PR24ONLY. The halide installs in the center line and they bend down and the pc or vho's go on the lowered part, it's the same reflector you would get if you got a full PFO halide/vho hood setup.

Hope this helps.
I didn't see the 24" PARALLEL REFLECTORS in your website, just the 36". Thanks, that looks like what I need. After I research a little bit, I plan to ask about what I will need for an IceCap 430 and two 46.5" actnics.
Sorry about that, you are correct, i need to get that online. What you can do is order the 24" par reflector and socket combo item code PFO-PR24SA8MO so that has your mogule and the reflector, we sell it all separate items, but online we have some group items to make ordering easier.
