Mr James
Premium Member
I will be ordering a few things here shortly, just as soon as I get all my ducks in a row. I am knee deep in JBNY's post in the lighting section; I may change my mind on which bulb I want. Here is what I am going to order so far: (2) ICE-250NHB 250watt NEW style halide ballast, (2) PFO-ELBOX *74690 EL BOX - For Ice MH - No Ballast Inc., (2) 10K-250W Halide Bulb - XM; I know I need a pair of reflectors and a mogul socket, but which one?? The tank is an 75g AGA RR. Any suggestions on which reflector?? Do I also need some wiring connectors, which one(s)?? I'm also going to order a few other miscellanious items, but I don't necessarily need help with that.