Help with new sps tank...


Ship Gang 15
Please let me know what you think...(there's a pic of the new tank in my gallery)

The tank will be sps dominate with blastos and zoos for focal points.

Tank: 48"l x 18"w x 16"t glass with diy overflow and drilled holes.
Stand: Diy 50"l x 24"w x 32"t from birch wood.

The sump contains a 300 watt heater, euro-reef rs8-2 skimmer, and a quiet one 3000 return pump. The return pump flow back to tank through four return outlets. I will be installing a phosban reactor soon.

For the lighting right now I have two PFO pendants with 175w xm 20k"s and no supplements. I removed the pfo reflector that held 2-28w pc's and installed spider reflectors. Should I upgrade to 250watters xm 20k? The water depth is only about 13-14" from the sand bed. Should I make a hood and add vho supplements?

I have a closed loop I'm working on right now with an OM squirt and a quiet one 3000 pump. I have two different drum for the squirt the two and four way. I was thinking of setting up the two way version with returns on either side of the tank.

Please give me some ideas or suggestions. Thanks Mikee68
i always liked the look of 10k halides with vho actinic.some people like the color of 20k but its too dark for my taste. you also get better growth the lower the spectrum
Or you could go 400 watt XM and get both crazy growth and great color... =) Some sps near the top may not like that though and lets not talk about the electric bill. I personally supplement my 20K with a super actinic VHO and an actinic white VHO and like the color mixture.
More flow. On my 30G display, I use a QO3000 as the return from the sump. I have three returns plumbed to the back on a Panworld PX100-X closed loop (I do not reccommend this pump though, terrible). Anyway, I wouldnt want any less flow.