Help with Rocordia please (Newbie)


I purchased an existing system with a green Ricordia that hadn't been doing too well. It has stayed the same size for the last month, and is light-colered and somewhat transluscent. I have it under a 175 watt 15k Iwasaki with 110w VHO super actinic. I had it half-way down, and then moved it to the bottom about a week ago. I also tried it under the other MH lamps. I think one is 15k XM, and the other might be 10k something. I will be replacing these lamps soon. My water is Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate about 13, Ph 8.2, Calcium 380. Flow is low to moderate depending upon which pumps I have on (Ocean Runner 3500 for return, and Dart closed loop on sometimes). Anyway the Ricordia hasn't really responded to moving. I have also tried spot-feeding it with TLF Zooplan and Mysis etc. It has now detached from its rock. Any suggestions on what to do? If I turn the closed loop back on it will probably get moved around the tank (it hasn't been in direct flow). Thanks for any help.
I would put it on a small rock and cover loosely with netting. Place in a low light area and just be patient. Check to see if it is attached in a week or two. The color could take weeks/months to come back.
Thanks for the help. I will give it a shot. In fact, it has come to rest in a place just like that, so maybe it will just stay there. I will keep an eye on it. Thanks again.