Help with sick fish/why i'm kicking myself

Hexagon Mop

New member
Hello all, I'm looking for some help identifying why my fish are sick and dying. I'll say this first off; I WILL FROM NOW ON ALWAYS QUARANTINE MY FISH!-which is why i'm kicking myself. That being said, here's the details: I have never used a quarantine tank before introducing fish to my system as I only buy from the "reputable" LFS's but now I have learned my lesson the hard way. 2 1/2 weeks ago I purchased an adult queen angel and put in my DT. Four days later it was dead and the next day all my fish got ick-bad! I dosed the tank with ick meds (non copper). I dosed to the reccomendations and the ick appears to be gone, but now my fish are dying. The only signs they show are cloudy eyes and their skin flakes. They stop eating and hide in the rocks until they die. So far I have lost:
6" Aussie tusk
5" Clown trig
5" Emporer angel
Midas blenny-never showed signs of ick
Lavendar tang
Lawnmower blenny-never showed signs of ick

I run a lifereef skimmer and UV sterilizer. The tank is ~250gal/320gal sys. Water parameters check within range.

My blonde naso tang never showed signs of ick, but he is starting to get the cloudy eyes and I'm reaching out to try and save him and the rest before they're gone as well.

I've accepted the fact that I could have prevented the deaths in the DT had I quaranteened the queen angel first so please don't bash me for it. I'm thinking that the queen introduced something into the tank that stressed the other fish which caused the ick outbreak, but I don't understand the cloudy eye thing. Any help you all could give me to help is greatly appreciated.

Man I'm sorry to hear about all your fish. The ick shows many signs before they get really sick and it can be treated with diet. I think you may have encountered some type of bacterial issue. Following along to see what the experts have to say.
Sorry I posted this on the wrong forum. After doing some searching it seems that the queen angel might have been carrying flukes. My fish seem to show all the symptoms so i'll have to dose prazi. Hopefully its not too late.