Help with stocking


New member
Hey everybody!

As some of you know, I am restarting my 29 gal tank. Just got bored and decided it was time. So now, I'm looking for suggestions on what to use my new space for. Obviously, it's gonna have to be rather small, and I am going to order rock in a week or so, so I have time. Right now, it just has PC's on it, but depending on what I end up getting, I may buy a halide. Anyone have ideas?

Are we definitely going to be doing a reef tank, or you up for some crazy species tank ideas? Cuttlefish, angler fish, sea horse tank, or maybe an octopus??? Just some of the ideas I've had. I'm about to set up a 30 for an angler. :-)

Btw the snowflake is doing fine so far. Just need to go buy a feeding stick of some sort.
well, if you are settingit up as a reef, with a nice rock pile and some sand, and an overflow to a sump with filters and skimmer, why not make it a soft coral tank. Green tree leathers, sinularas, nepthelias, capnellas, lamnelias, gorgonians, palys and zoos. stuff that like to eat and need a better filtration system/

hey jon, just use those long bamboo shish kabob sticks, thats what i use . want some? i'll bring some to the meetin.
I was thinking more along the lines of a species tank. My 55 is basically soft corals. I'd love do do a tank for a trigger, but don't have the size. An Octopus would be very cool, is a 30 gal too small for one of the dwarfs?
Oh, and glad to hear on the snowflake, Jon. I just used a piece of stiff airline tubing with the end cut at an angle. He really seemed to dig cocktail shrimp, but would eat about anything.