Help with Tubs Blue


Fish Warden
I have little issues with most zoas but my Tubs and People Eaters always close and die off. I've given up on the PEs but really like the Tubs. Any help with location, flow etc?

I have a 180 so I have a variety of flow and light I can try and about 30 other colonies that do fine, just the Blues and PEs. Thanks!
I have no answer for this but also had the same issue. My PE's just came back from being closed almost 2 weeks.
1. Temp of tank- 78

2. All parameters including , Alk, PH, Mag etc and even Calcium in my opinion
ALK- ~8.5 dkh, ph- 8.1, mag- don't know, Ca- 410

3. Salinity- 1.025

4. Is it a frag, colony, new addition, wild caught or not, shipped or pick up?- multiple frags from different sources

5. Have you made any changes just prior to or during the issue?- no

6. List the current/flow, even lighting when applicable.- tried multiple spots, high and low of each. I have a 180 with 3- 150 watt halides and 4 rows of T5s (low par, mostly actinic)

7. Additives- none, feed fish daily, usually Rods for fish and coral

and my 20 or so other colonies do fine just Tubs and PEs

Edit- also have a GFO reactor but they did this before and now after getting that online
How long have you had them? Did they ever open? When's the last time you moved them? What fish do you have?

How long have you had them? Did they ever open? When's the last time you moved them? What fish do you have?


they tend to last a month or so, usually open and then disappear but tends to be in a short span. That is I don't notice them being closed for weeks at a time first. they just disappear.

I also try not to move them much as I have found that this doesn't help either. Like I said, I usually get them in a spot, they are good for a few weeks, then, poof, gone

So next people will ask about fish- I have clowns, a goby, bellus angel, fairy wrasses and 2 tangs (hippo, tomini). I also have 25 other zoa colonies so unless the fish is only attracted to Tbbs and PEs....
I'm thinking that its more along the lines of flow or light.

things like Mag levels would effect my other zoas as well
they tend to last a month or so, usually open and then disappear but tends to be in a short span. That is I don't notice them being closed for weeks at a time first. they just disappear.

I also try not to move them much as I have found that this doesn't help either. Like I said, I usually get them in a spot, they are good for a few weeks, then, poof, gone

So next people will ask about fish- I have clowns, a goby, bellus angel, fairy wrasses and 2 tangs (hippo, tomini). I also have 25 other zoa colonies so unless the fish is only attracted to Tbbs and PEs....

Gone as in dissappeared or gone as in melted? Are those the only 2 frags you've added recently? How many polyps on the plug? Are they freshly cut and glued?

If they are dissapearing overnight something is munching on them.
Before you go on and tell me you have other colones that aren't affected........A frag especially a fresh cut and glued frag is much easier to pick at then a whole colony not to mention that you'd notice it a heck of a lot easier. You say they seem fine for a while then start closing then gone. Something is irrating and eating them. Could be asterina stars, could be one of your fish, crab just about anything.

Try putting your frags in a frag tank or in a in a protected area away from your fish until they are more established. I had a hippo tang that picked on frags all the time but never touched colonies. It took a while to figure out what was going on.

different sources and large frags 10 plus polyps and larger

You neglected to answer the other questions. Disappeared overnight or melted? It's hard to figure out what causes zoas to die go missing. Without all the information or answers to our questions makes it even more difficult. I've had tubs in my tank for at least 7 years and they came from the man himself. So I've had plenty of experience. Just trying to help.

You neglected to answer the other questions. Disappeared overnight or melted? It's hard to figure out what causes zoas to die go missing. Without all the information or answers to our questions makes it even more difficult. I've had tubs in my tank for at least 7 years and they came from the man himself. So I've had plenty of experience. Just trying to help.


not melted like others I've seen but slowly reducing in quantity over several days.

If anyone can just give me advice on placement, flow, lighting, etc I'd appreciate it
not melted like others I've seen but slowly reducing in quantity over several days.

If anyone can just give me advice on placement, flow, lighting, etc I'd appreciate it

Sure tubs are one of the few zoa that thrive just about anywhere as far as lighting goes. I would start them on the sand until fully acclimated then slowly move them up to wherever. As for flow moderate.

Tubs 1/4 up the tank

Tubs 1/4 - 1/3rd up the tank opposite side of tank

Tubs on the bottom right on the sand bed directly under MH

Tubs on the bottom in right front of the tank not directly under MHs

Tubs MID HIGH up tank under 8T5s

They are growing the best in color for me on the sand bed directly under the MH, good flow but not battering them with high flow.