Help with Tunze 9010


New member
I must say my thoughts on the Tunze 9010 are not of a good nature. I am running this skimmer with the EuroReef RS180, and I can't seem to get any constant skimmate out of the Tunze.

As of currently, I have just cleaned the unit again, and placed it in a gentle current area of my refuge, placing even before the EuroReef which is not after it in a different compartment, so it shouldn't affect performance of the Tunze. But still no skimmate.

I have had this unit going for 3-4 months now, and must say it is garbage, unless someone can assist. I have tried everything from placement to opening the air valve to closing it. To using it with or without the standpipe. I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING, BUT THINK THIS IS DEFECTIVE...

Currently standpipe is in place and air is almost full open, there is some foam, but not enough to go over edge

Any assistance would be helpful, thanks.
It could be that there is a defect and I am happy to replace any defective component, however, the two skimmers are in the same tank, you have a more powerful skimmer which is going to remove any waste before the 9010 can. For two skimmers to work together they have to be identical in performance otherwise one will beat the other and leave nothing for the other to remove. The 9010 rating comparable to the Euroreef rating would be the for SPS tank rating with a 60% reduction in rating as listed in the manual and catalog, this gives it a rating of 127 gallons compared to the 180 gallon rating of the Euroreef which pulls in more air, more water and has a larger reaction chamber. Odds are it will start to skim if you disconnect the Euroreef, but it is a smaller weaker skimmer and cannot compete against it. If you need more skimming the best option is one larger skimmer the second best option is two identical skimmers.
Thanks for your reply,

I have tried turning off the EuroReef, but nothing really improved on the Tunze. I also now have the Tunze in the Refugium compartment and it is the first skimmer in the line, the euroreef is in the hardware compartment and is totally seperated from the tunze by glass walls, so the 2 skimmers really don't see each other.

Any other advice would be appreciated, if there is a defect what would it be?
They are in the same circuit of water so they are still competing. I would need more info on how you have assembled it, did you follow the in sump or in tank assembly?
I tried assembling it both ways, but as of a few days ago I have now tried the in tank assembly with the standpipe and different intakes.

I did clean it yesterday, took it all apart, using fresh water in my mouth forced it in the air hose and through the venturi system, cleaned everything. It now has some foam in it, but again not enough to go over the cup edge. I also have the air full open.

Not sure but it does sound like a venturi problem.

Lastly, before cleaning, water spilled over the standpipe, but after cleaning water sits about 1cm from top of standpipe and doesn't spill over. Thought you might want to know this.
The only way water will exit that stand pipe reliably is when it is set up for in tank use and the coupler is installed between the pump and intake and the solid bottom, for the skimmer to work, water either has to exit the stand pipe or it must be set up for in tank use without the stand pipe and the slotted bottom, no coupler and kept at the marked water line. Hybrid assemblies are very unlikely to work. It could be the venturi but if the water level is not correct inside, it will not work and if it is correct water will exit the pip when it is assembled for in sump use and 4-10" submerged or it is set up for in tank use and the water is up to the marked line.
It is setup correctly, standpipe into unit, behind the intake I inserted the solid piece, also the bottom has the solid (not slotted) installed. because it is now in a different area, I cannot use the pump setup as the water level would be too low.

So why is the water not flowing, as I stated it was prior to cleaning, and I have put it back together the same way.
I got water running through the standpipe again, looks like the piece the goes in and attaches to the pump was not totally sealed.

I also put the suctions on the bottom, so besides hanging it, it is also touching the bottom and putting pressure on the bottom plate to make sure it is sealed.

Any other ideas? If this doesn't work, I would like to see about a replacement, but again lets give it a few days to see.

It should work like this with the air adjustment open between 3 and 5 full turns, too far open can be just as bad as not enough as there is too much turbulence with the high airflow. If it does not start to skim within 2-3 days let me know, the most likely culprit is the venturi and I can send one. Otherwise you would send it in and we would replace any defective components.
Thanks for the help...

I have adjusted the airflow by removing the cup, then watching the turbulence until the dome of water just starts to form with the white bubbles surrounging it (approx 3.5 turns)

I will let you know what happens.
may I ask what the purpose of the hole in the back of the unit is for. I would think it would be detrmental to the operation. Can this hole be plugged?
Rather than use a seal or union to secure the cup we use water pressure, this way the cup just lifts out for easy cleaning, that hole keeps the water at the proper level for the required back pressure to seal the cup, it should not be plugged.
I forgot to ask:

the water/bubbles don't seem to go any higher than the actual water level marker. I read about when people give more air they raise the water level and sometimes overflow. I have never been able to see or achieve this.

Water level stays at water leverl mark or where the air adjustment height is at, so there is alot of travel for any foam to make it out of the cup, even if there is foam.

Is there a problem, still not seeing anything good out of this unit.
It does this even with water exiting the pipe? If so I would be 99% sure it is the venturi nozzle, they sometimes break in shipping, I can send one if you PM me your name and address.
Yes, even with the water exiting.

Nothing really improved, so last night I tore the unit apart, even removing the inner air chamber to check all hosing for leaks. After putting things back together and restarting, the water leaving the standpipe has drastically improved. From somewhat of a trickle over affect to a full bore pouring out of water.

Update: as of today still no foam, however I added a 1 inch PVC elbow to the standpipe to try and increase backpressure. This brought the water level up and the bubble structure is much better. Even some foam is produced. Not enough to leave the cup, but better.

So so you think there is a problem? As I do. I will PM you my information.

Thanks, Rick
Yes, it is the venturi, I can send you one. Please do not make any modifications to the stand pipe, the height is very specific, the elbow will back up water into the air intakes.
not a problem, the elbow isn't glued just sitting on top and water isn't entering the air valves.

I will remove... When can I expect to receive the new venturi?

Much appreciated, thanks for the great support and response times.

I have pm'd my info to you.

I replied to your PM, I am sorry but I don't handle the repairs and distribution for Canada, I gave you the contact info in my reply and part number you need.
Sorry about that, I have sent an email to Xenia in Canada with a link to this thread and contact info for the retailer I purchased from.

Hopefully they will take care of things for me.

Again thanks for the help.
