Help with wavebox mounting please.


Premium Member
I am finally installing my wavebox and have a few brief questions.

Where is the water level supposed to come to when the wavebox is off?
Just below the top of the wavebox, just above it, or should the wavebox be fully submerged?

I think the instructions say that the water level is supposed to be below the top (2-3cm) but I have an AGA tank and that can't be accomplished with the magnets due to the brace.

Also, are you supposed to tune the wavebox in with your return pumps on or off?

Wavebox Mounting

Wavebox Mounting

Hey Sean,

I have the Wavbox mounted as high as my AGA tank will allow. Had to "shim" the magnet with a piece of 1/4" acrylic since the magnet was partially on the trim.


Just as long as the water doesn't spill into the top of the Wavebox your good to go.


I would adjust it with all your other pumps going since that's what it has to work with anyway.

Also, don't forget to install the 2 screws into the back of the Wavebox in order to plug the holes. I coudn't figure out why it was blowing bubble then realized that water was entering the box via the 2 holes and causing bubbles internally. These holes are used with the other mounting method.

Hope all goes well,


(Are we skimming yet?)
Thanks a bunch Luis.

I used the acrylic shims and it worked like a charm. :)

I think I have it tuned correctly now, I get about 1.5" wave.
I have a small rock with yellow polyps...I know but I like them...they are on the bottom of the tank.
They have a little motion but nothing compared to the videos.
I will try to fine tune it a bit mor tomorrow.

One thing is for sure, I need to find a new standpipe design for my overflows.
Total sloshing.
Driving the lady insane lol.
What do you use?

Thanks again,
I'm using Durso's in my overflows but they're still slosh'in too. Did make the breather hole a little larger so that the water level would rise in the overflow. It's a little quieter now that the water doesn't have such a long way to fall. It doesn't help that I just replaced my Iwaki 55RLT with a Sequence pump. I'm doing a little balancing act trying to get the flow right.

Tagareef, How far below the plastic lip is your water level with the wavebox off? I'm trying to figure out if I can put a wave box on my tank. I'm not sure how much I can lower the water level with the current return pump.

It's about 3/4' to 1", I'm still adjusting the flow due to my new return pump. When the wave comes the water does come in contact with the trim.
