I got some zoa eating nudis as hitchhikers a couple of months back, thats what I get for not dipping my coral, I know my mistake no need to point them out. After the first one appeared I did a freshwater dip on the zoas that I could but some are attached to very large rocks and I would have to dismantle the entire aquarium in order to get them. Afterwards I used a turkey baster to pick them off as I saw them. Long story short, I have been gone of two weeks and my dad was taking care of my tank, when I left it there were no nudis to be seen and I came back yesterday and they have overrun my zoas, some to the point of being almost gone. Here are my questions. Is there a better method than the freshwater dip, do you guys add anything else to the freshwater? Has anybody found anything that will eat this things? Thanks for the help.