Any luck beating this? I'm going to look into the hydro dip mentioned, as I have a like situation, my polyps have brown algae growing over them, using a turkey baster I can blast it off 65%, those that were ble to be blasted have started to open, those that te algae is a little more stuck too, stay closed and a lot are starting to melt away. Mostly watermelons, my purple people eaters are 100% gone, no where to be found. My hulks and she hulks and more costly zoo's are barely making it, weird, they are all over the tank in different spots, and all just started freaking out when changing to natural sea water and what I think is calothrix, not really gonna blame scripts water, too many locals use it, I may have been too close to the rarer Southern California rain downpour effecting water quality? Anyways, the 200+ colony watermelons is at top and easy to pull, so I'm going to start their, and to the op, would be curious to hear your results, as you picture looks awfully familiar, with some polyps melted into stubs, some still green, some with easily dislodedged brown algae on them...