
I barely touch the tank only if I doing the water change or I check the water, and the last times I tested the water the alk was at 10 drops the cal was at 20 drops ( 400 ) and the mag was at 1290 which maybe a little low but I did dose reef complete after that to raise it up.

Tactical- You have reached out to a group of very knowledgable people, all on here will do nothing but help you provided the correct information:

you say you barely touch the tank, but in the last 5 days you have moved everything from one tank to the other twice (unless im misreading your posts).

When you say 10 drops of this or ten drops of that we really dont know what you are stating, because we dont know what test kits you are using. Each companies test kits has different "drops". Being in the hobby for a while i am guessing you are using API, where 10 drops of ALK gives you a reading of 10 ALK. Thats fine. As is your calcium. If you are using another brand then I dont know.

When you say you are adding Reef Complete to increase your MG. You are at a total loss. Reef Complete is not as complete as it says on the label. Please refer to the reef central water chemistry forum and educate your self on the many parameters needed to keep a successful reef aquarium.

You reached out to this forum with the question "Help". Everyone on here will do that but you must answer the questions in order for us to "Help" you.

All this being said, im guessing your tank is very new. However you have not responded to how new this tank is, what you are using to export nutrients ie protein skimmer, refugium????? The more info you give the more "Help" you will get. Otherwise everyone here will give you nothing but uneducated guesses.
as for my test kits, im using both the reef master and saltwater marine API test kits, so thats the reason im saying drops for the calcium and alk, and the mag kit im using is the salifert test kit, and the day that i switched everything over i gave it a week at the most ( 5 days ) to see how everything would react in the tank, and after the 5 days i saw how it was reacting so poorly i took everything back out and put it back into the 29 gallon BC, i have yet to touch the tank since then just changed the filter floss and did a water change and check the water, also feed the fish in the tank, and as for the seachem reef complete, my LFS told me that it will raise my mag but not a huge ammount, from what they have also said that i should have my mag at 1300 to 1350 the most and being that the mag was at 1290 the last time, i thought id add the reef complete to get it to that 1300 point, i am going to retest the water now to see the parameters to see where they are at, and i will go read the water chemistry post to see if theres something better i can do.
The white bloom I'm stumped about also I checked everything in the tank and everything was fine and I literally mean everything 440-450 cal, 10 drops alk 0 nitrite/nitrate-ammonia, salinity was at 1.025 temp was at 79, I was growing a lot of algea on the sides of my tank and after leaving the light off for 2 days it's all stopped, I'm getting some cyano growing on the sand but I'll be doing a water change soon to fix that, what I think it could have been was the fact that the pump was running a little low on water or the protein skimmer giving off micro bubbles, but the tank is running fine now.
The white bloom I'm stumped about also I checked everything in the tank and everything was fine and I literally mean everything 440-450 cal, 10 drops alk 0 nitrite/nitrate-ammonia, salinity was at 1.025 temp was at 79, I was growing a lot of algea on the sides of my tank and after leaving the light off for 2 days it's all stopped, I'm getting some cyano growing on the sand but I'll be doing a water change soon to fix that, what I think it could have been was the fact that the pump was running a little low on water or the protein skimmer giving off micro bubbles, but the tank is running fine now.

Excellent to hear. :celeb3: How old is the tank?
The 29 gallon is about 5 months at the most, that's the amount of time I've had it set up myself, my cousin had it set up way before that but took it down after he got the 60 gallon, and the 29 sat in my closet put away for at least 9 months, and the 60 he had it set up for over 2 years.
The 29 gallon is about 5 months at the most, that's the amount of time I've had it set up myself, my cousin had it set up way before that but took it down after he got the 60 gallon, and the 29 sat in my closet put away for at least 9 months, and the 60 he had it set up for over 2 years.

5 months will get you some of the stuff you are experiencing. Keep up the good work, it takes a little time. The more mature the easier it gets.

Keep up with NO3, pho4, and the holy trinity, your tank will blossom in no time. Dont chase numbers. Choose the parameters you want and keep them stable Stability is key.