Here are some of my Rics (Yumas and Floridas)


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Does anyone have any idea how you put value on rics? Are some more rare than others, things like that. I've been having a lot of people ask me to sell mine recently but I have no idea what to ask.
Nice stuff Octoberfest!
I just got some that look just like your second picture , would you say they are yumas or rics?


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kingfisher those are Yumas. You can tell the difference if the "bumps" are on the mouth part or not. On a Yuma the bumps grow on the mouth on a Florida they don't.

Yeah I know what you mean, the prices are so wide I wouldn't even know where to start. I don't want to rip anyone off but at the same time I don't want to screw myself...LOL.
I've also noticed that the Yuma's are more light sensitive (like lower light) than the Florida variety (can take higher light).
One of the best things for getting Yumas to acclimate and settle for continued health is to photoacclimate them. I have found in my experience that the change in lighting and par can cause the bacterial infections that plague yumas......All that I have done that with have been healthy. It is only my opinion but from many years of losing yumas that is the only thing I have found to really get them over the hump and stay healthy..
It isn't something that is written about kinda something I came up with after many years of Yumas dying and melting on me.

It is where no matter who or where they are purchased from, but more importantly on-line after 24hr shipping you acclimate as normal but keep them in total shade for how ever long they take to settle. Once settled you slowly move them out into more light in really small increments as they show signs of reaching for light. One of the issues I have found through my experience with yumas is they seem to be real sensitive to changes in lighting after shipping. If purchased from a LFS the process seems to be shorter in duration. I have had yumas take a month or two before they start to stretch out and need to be moved. I have had 100% luck with yumas that I have had the patients to allow them to go through this process....The ones I got impatient with and moved early also melted......It is just an extra step in trying to get them to over come the sensitivity they seem to show with new settings......Hope that helps a bit.....