Here I go.. Twin 180's!!


New member
I wanted some advice and input from members on the board, so I decided to move my thread into a higher traffic area... im condensing muti posts into one so its pretty long:

Well first off progress may be slow.. and my current system isnt much to show off, but anyway ill try to post lots of pics, thats mostly what i look at anyway....

Secondly I scored a awesome deal on a basicly brand new tank from pmike25 on the and now i have twins! He wanted me to post, so here I go. Im planning on doing a similar stand to his, and having two seperate stands that are just slid side by side. That way they can be seperated but im not solid on this as im doing a diy fiberglass sump, and planning on 8'. I guess i have a while to figure that out. The other option is make the stand continuous to a length of around 13'. Inputs welcome.

Work keeps me busy and stressed out, so all progress is mostly weekends, and even then sometimes i dont touch my tanks. The "new" tank will be the reef, because its in better condition, and i like the blue too, and the "old" tank will be a shark/agressive tank. Ive got 2 bamboos one is 16" and the other is right around 7.5" and lots of tangs. I might get more vlamingiis and if they bother eachother i will seperate them in the two tanks. Those that will flame about sharks, they will be in a custom huge setup within the year, and the biggest one wount grow much past 18" by then. I dont advocate the purchase of them unless you will provide them with an area of 10'x4' area within the first few years of owning them. They get big and need room.

Goals: to increase the curb appeal of the stands, canopys, stream line the setups, and water changes, have good flow, and maybe have some sps. Give a dedicated tank to my sharks is also important. More rock is a priority #1. Also major major goal is to build a single dart skimmer thats close to bill wanns design. Working out materials on that, all DIY, and will post all information. Ive held off due to no room to cycle the rock and my sharks wouldnt appericate it. Also better lighting is on the list, we will see how far the budget can get streched. Looking to do a similar rockscape as fudge in the large reef forums... pics for today stand will be completed this weekend. Moving the tanks on to the stand will probably happen in a week or two or three... dont mind the 2x6, its was leftover from my stand for my prop tanks.. lol:



See that orange engine hoist??? I used that to move my 180 with all the sand (about 350 pounds) and about 8 in of water and all my livestock in it. Long story for another time... the two tanks will go on the same wall the setup 180 is at. Furniture dollies make life Eassssy! hint hint mike! lol sorry i didnt bring them.

heres a few pics of my favorite fish and a darn camera hog at that.. hes got a funny as hell personality too! This will probably turn more into a blog of sorts, but anyway, im going to purchase wood for the stand today, and hopefully get some water storage containers too!



This is what the stand looks like with the light on, and as far as the different colored stains, well, this stand was a long project that got put off alot, and went through a move no less. We wanted a red, (read I wanted a specific color) and the canopy was completed first. So.. knowing nothing about staining or stain in general, we purchase a color that looked good. Well Its brown, i dunno how the hell they can call that red, so when the stand was completed I picked up another color and it turned out great. I need to work on my staining skillz however.. but not bad for 1st attempt. Its smooth as glass, 3 coats of poly and man its smoooth. I used to paint / prep cars for a while and man can I sand some smmooothness. I would like to try spraying the stain on my next stand but it just sounds like a mess waiting to happen. we shall see...



Well as you can see its not too much to look at, and after seeing a few awesome ideas here on rc that i could never come up with on my own (you see ive mastered mimicry hehe) I am actually excited to build new ones that will be something alot more elegent to look at. The tank isnt actually centered on the stand either, i thought after i moved in and finished setting up shop i was going to push the tank against the wall, and i was going to center up then, but it doesnt much matter now.

You can also see the maxi jet mods that lays unplugged in the last two pictures. Maxi jets put electric into the water column, and its really bad for sharks and rays alike. It also causes Hlle in fish too, and ive been shocked bad by breaking the water surface with my hand and one plugged in. All my units were bought new, and running less than 6 months. So in the first pic or two, you can see the Tunze that im now running - thanks again to pmike25. So cl or tunze, but its the only way to go imho.
This is a slightly bad example of the wood that i would like to use for skinning the stand, they sell it at lowes in sections, and its like multi-board wood. My g/f dad had cabinetry made out of this and it looks spectacular! im very excited about using it, and below is a poor example of what it kinda looks like as far as the multi boards, it make a nice stain too because lots of grains going everywhere, for those that have seen mikes, its going to go where he used the wood paneling.


Well here we go - just got back from tampa - and scored these 60 gallon drums! whoo - one was cracked on the bottom, so ive only got 3 left, but oh well.


Peppers anyone??


The big ring is the outer ring that goes around the plate type thing, and the plate has a screw off opening - all water tight. the plate piece comes off allowing atleast 10" opening to the drum.


and this is the bit i used to put a 2.5" hole in my sump. it doesnt say its for glass, but its a ceramic bit and i said what the hell, it should work. worked great - just dont rush it. also would recommend removing sump before drilling it. i like this bit alot its got a centering shaft so no skipping off and scratching the glass like normal glass drill bits - assuming that your not using a drill press - like me!

heres some stand construction photos, i hope to have it complete today, but im extremely tired today for some reason, i want to have the tank on it and fill it with water we will just see how things go




this is preliminary and multiple pieces are not in place or fastened...
Cool! Sounds like your making progress, Just be sure to plan for plenty of space to store the equipment. Even with an equipment closet and a 12 foot plus stand I am still trying my best to cram it to the gills with gagets!
more construction photos, almost complete, and the side thats away from the window will become the backside


The tank is going to rest in the inner trim, its 1.5" now but theres going to be a .5" gap all the way around - its going to be covered with final trim work later. foam is going to go on the inner 2x6's as well.


Inner 2x6 trim support


you may not be able to read it, but its 22.5" of clear opening on the side. not bad for a 24" tank with a wood stand..? hell my last attempt at a 180 stand left me with 17.5" clear on the inside. so far its been 50 dollars in 2x6's, ive used 14 so far should be enough to finish.

hey guys last post for the night, the stand framing is complete, all thats left is just finish carpentry.. i really was gunning for a money shot with the tank on it, i really did try, but i got plans, and the time just ran out. well its complete, and all ready to go. not too bad for 50 bucks and 6 hours.. the stuff in the background is my prop tank stand, dont worry about that its a project for another time.

What do ya think?

Looks like your off to a great start Tigger! Keep up the good work, I have been working on my twin 180 project for over a year now!
maginter and motoxracing782 - thanks for watching i hope to keep everyone entertianed with lots of pictures, and hopefully some nice equipment DIY's and decent stands and canopys.

Cool! Sounds like your making progress, Just be sure to plan for plenty of space to store the equipment. Even with an equipment closet and a 12 foot plus stand I am still trying my best to cram it to the gills with gagets!

man i got fish stuff in every room of the house! even the bathroom ~ uggh i guess i got to give a disclamer on this one - its my ro waste line! i have definatly planned to have the most room i can underneath, and im sure it wount be enough.

Looks like your off to a great start Tigger! Keep up the good work, I have been working on my twin 180 project for over a year now!

Thanks for the kind words, and your project definatly shows why its taken soo long - nice work!
we've made some decisions as far as this project is concerned, were going to have two seperate stands, and are going to be pushed up side to side. Were going to have a continous sump that runs the length of atleast one tank completly but maybe extend it through to the other tank. this is still up in the air. were ordering a dart for a skimmer pump, and also another one (or snapper) for a return for the reef tank. the shark tank will use our current snapper pump from none other than pmike. i am really happy with this pump espically the 92 watt power consuption as well. an al 40 will be utilized for air injection for the skimmer. I have a 12" in dia pvc pipe by 6' in height, and pvc sheet is being lined up for further skimmer construction. The tube will have windows with thermaformed acrylic "panes" for my viewing and cleaning pleasure. Through testing of a bubble diffusor will be conducted and posted about extensivly. The skimmer height will be determined after testing of the needle wheel and diffusor have been machined. i think thats it for now.
heres two more of it all filled up, talk about sturdy (toot toot lol) man this thing is like a rock. im really pleased with how this came out.


I'll def. keep an eye on this build up!

-Tigger's girlfriend up at school in Massachusetts
(This will all be complete by the time I come home for Thanksgiving,
right??? lol)
man i gotta hide the whipping stick - i guess i got things good, when the huni is telling me to get the tank done and $$ dont matter and i can buy those luminarcs a skimmer by bill wann and tunze x4 6100's and ..? oh crap she reads this wheres that darn edit button ...
im done with all progress until next weekend and im going to build a duplicate stand, i dunno how much more im really going to do on the stands, i only have 1" clearance to fit through the door, and its just an aparmtent. all the finish carpentry really should be brad nailed on and that limits how much you can take off (to get it back out the door) it really limits my options. we should be getting 1000+ pounds of sand on the 20th, and skimmer construction should start around then as well. and around then we should have the tanks side by side. so much for my week long vacation. well fellas im out - till next time
well im working out a few things - i wasnt very motivated this weekend to do anything - so i didnt. im looking for 3' sections of 4" acrylic tube to make a diy phosban reactor and carbon reactor (im not happy with my tlf reactor). also lining up parts for the skimmer. this next week i have off and lots and lots of stuff is going to happen. whoo 1.5 years at a job and i finally get a paid vacation. monday of that week we are getting 1000 pounds of sand, and checking out big als and maybe picking up two tangs we will see. then that wed/thursday we should be getting the pieces of the skimmer. Ill be building the second stand this weekend and switching the tanks over to the new stands this weekend also.
well i took my vacation and the time just came and went by so fast. I decided to bite the bullet and move the tank to the other side of the room and build a second stand - i think that was the plan since the beginning but everything is kinda just up in the air anyway. well honestly - my whole vacation was just dedicated to moving my fish tank and building/painting stands and cleaning my apartment. Things are really coming to together and looks really nice.

I scored a green carpet and clarkii clown combo and built a stand and tank just for him - a 40 breeder. Theres is going to be dual 180s and a 40 breeder inbetween them. I changed the stand construction to be dual 2x6's and i lagged them together so that i could (try) to have bi-fold type doors with no center support - i skimped on the plywood center (i thought i didnt have any :( ) and im not happy with the deflection of the beam - center brace it is i guess. Im going to build the 2nd stand beam different (correctly) and i will be able to change the first stand when i move the tank into our house.

On monday we went to miami - ft lauderdale to pick up sand and 2 palini tangs (sp? im horrible at it) and with no other changes other than sand and a blue background - the tank looks completly different. I am very pleased with its looks and it came together at a time i was ready for a hammer - i just didnt have the heart to get the hammer out when the display looked so good. Honestly i really cannot emphasize how frustrated i was this past week - i basicly turned the apartment upside down and nothing was comming back together until the sunday before work - hell i couldnt even get to the stove all week - and then it just kinda fell together - well kinda anyway -

Pics to come tonight -
Just a punch list of changes

- Moved the planned location of the twin 180s (i mentioned plans up in the air right?)
- Added 40 gallon breeder display tank to "tank wall" (180-40-180) (umm yea i have no concrete plans ever)
- Built 40 gallon breeder stand and kiltz all of the wood (one time at a lfs i saw a carpet..)
- Disassembled the assembled stand to kiltz every sq in of wood ( a major flaw in stand #1)
- Added 40watt uv sterilzer (i think i have like 8 tangs - prevent ick outbreaks)
- Purchased 1500 pounds of aragonite for tanks and future projects (the jeep was begging for mercy for 5 hours..)
- Purchased two palini tangs and got a bonus Kenya Tree ( Kudos to Tyreef!- its doing well )
- Purchased green carpet and clarkii clown combo (man its cool)
- Got 12" diameter pvc at the house for CC skimmer (eta of completing unkn)
- Setup new 180 tank and took down old 180 (fun!!!!..)
- Setup 40 gallon breeder tank (did i have to get that carpet?)
- Looking to order around 2-300 pound live rock pending funds and prices (always been low on it)

on a side note i cannot reccomend the blue isoboard stuff enough. it repels water, cheap, easy. i however cannot reccomend a "melev style" (sorry bud) cl. my pump is at 115 to 120 degrees, and hardly any output from a model 7 i think it could be useful for a sea horse tank thats smaller. Oh it leaks too, but so does the snapper (yea i dont care for pink teflon tape either). But a 7 uses (i think) around 70 watts and a sequence snapper is at 92 watts - just something to keep in mind when designing (although the pumps are used differently). I think i will be getting some nano streams and a model two for filteration of the 40 breeder. Unsure at this point - its up in the air as to the direction i will be going.
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