Here I go.. Twin 180's!!

yes theres actually a lot of new things going on.. i just didnt think any one was really interested ~ and ive just been extremely busy with everything and working alot to help offset my addition as well.

new items - 180 pounds of live rock just cured in my 2nd 180 and the stand for it is almost complete so lots of new progress will be posted shortly.

- a 120 stand, canopy, tank combo was recently purchased as an agressive tank and currently houses a assasi trigger, banana wrasse, sohal tang, baby blue angel, and my gf's favorite a porcupine puffer - aka gizmo.

- after much debate twin 92 corner tanks were purchased and a custom stand was made to give the appearance of a half round tank, but each tank will house carpet anemones, one purple and one green. the purple carpet arrived today, in less than stellar condition and although it was a replacement (the orginial died at their facility), it does not look like the orginial- even though they said they were the same. im currently not impressed with the coloration of this particular anemone or health. the green one we have had for 3 months is doing spectacular and im very excited about the tanks and how there going to look when things are finished.

- a dart needle wheel pump was ordered and the decision to join all of our systems was made, and we will be ordering ozone soon, as well as an orp controller. kalkawasser was purchased and finer points are being hammered out. more ro storage barrels are going online as well as a live rock tank (200 gal); they are going to be placed outside. ive purchased epoxy and i am currently building sumps to be put under both the 180's as well as the 40 breeder. i will post detailed build up pictures - as long as time is willing. ive ordered switches and relays for my diy electrical station, and im excited to get it online as soon as the time is avaible. im also going to build the skimmer (the pump arrives 2/16) and i really need that to get online as soon as possible for the benefit of everything.

- we will be ordering close to 500 pounds of live rock to fill all our bare tanks and to provide extra filteration that we have always needed but have been putting off. this will be cured and introduced into our systems within the next month or so - time willing. are systems have not been the healthiest to be completly honest, and this is a big effort that my girlfriend and i are doing to bring up our tanks to where they need to be, and also start getting into corals, ~ successfully ~. im hoping within the next four months ill be proud to take pictures of everything that i have and post them here on rc - as the lack of coraline and abundance of nusance items have really dissuaded me from posting as well.

overall i feel that im learning alot, and we have just been missing a few key items that have prevented us from having a tank with the correct parameters to house corals.

the 40 breeder will be converted over to a sea horse tank once we get the phyto cultures brewing as well as the roties going too - with some continued success. sea turtle grass macro algea has really taken off in there and im finding that im liking the macro algeas just as much as fish and corals.

tomarrow i will post some pictures of everything, i will be leaving for a little while - family member is not well :( - but once i come back i am going to be kicking everything into high gear and hopefully people will like what they see!
Updates Updates Updates!!

Updates Updates Updates!!

heres some pictures of my twin corner tanks that make a 3' radius half round and total to 184 gallons hypotheiclly ( sp?)

construction begins:



the anemone in the picture did not make it unfortunatly.

some of the pre construction photos show a wood divider, which was replaced by a metal pole and flange as shown below


i know one tank is almond (eew) and one is black but it wount matter much after the canopy and stand are completed


Best pals!


More Updates!

More Updates!

Well tonight our 2nd shipment of live rock came in ( the first shipment was undocumented and unphotographed ~180 pounds fusion live rock~ ) totaling 400 pounds and 8 boxes. overall im very impressed with the smell (or lack thereof), and dampness of the rock. the color is decent. the weight per unit of size also impressed me. any way here are some of tonights pictures. the first shipment took a solid month to cycle which just finished in the past few days.

here are some pictures of tonights crazyness:

for reference the tank holding the liverock is a 180 gallon. frequent rock moving will be preformed to allieviate prolonged dead spots


theres two mag 1800's in the 180 for circulation, but with so much lr there not doing too much imo but i dont have any other options - well ones that i know of.



my newest addition to the 92 corner - the littlest vlamingii tang that ive ever come across and 10 green chromis that were in the fusion live rock to help keep the bateria alive until livestock got setup. we placed alot more live rock in the 92 corner and also removed all the live rock from the 40 breeder carpet tank and replaced it with the fussion live rock. both the 40 and 92 only contain the fusion lr. sorry if it doesnt make much sense its late right now.


heres a nice picture of our green carpet in the 40 breeder with the new live rock. she looks really happy.

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