Here is a kinda weird one- black pigment or?


King of the white corals
Premium Member
anyone ever seen this??

4 of a dozen or so polyps have this black "pigmenting" for lack of a better description.

The frag was out of light under a rock for a while not too long ago

when you touch the oral disk, it will "bruise" and loose color in the area....then will return shortly after. it happens a lot when i frag my zoa/palys.
could certainly be a stress response of sorts, but Ive fragged a polyp or two in my day and never seen this

as well, if you look you can see the black "seeping" up in that thin line. All of the afflicted polyps have the black spot in the same southside placement, so Im pretty sure it has nothing to do with bruises. The polyps were out of the light for a while, that fact along with the southside placement of the black pigment or whatever could be related I suppose.
Pretty cool subject! This weekend, I am gonna try to touch an oral disk....and then wash my hands of course!!

Curious to seee what happens. I will update w/ before and after pics!
Stress Bill.

It happens to me at times when my pH , Alk , DKH or Salinity is off, Or when I accidentally drop things on them.
Could be amphipods or some worm ate the colored tissue off too. Pretty sure that's physical damage, you can see the torn-looking edge on the right side.