Here's why names and the cost of "certain zoas" bug me

I agree, it seems everyday there are 5 threads on different forums about "new polyps" and what not. These usually consist of the same random proto pest.
There are the people who collect expensive, named corals and stare at them with a magnifying glass muttering "my precious" and there are others who don't.
There are the people who collect expensive, named corals and stare at them with a magnifying glass muttering "my precious" and there are others who don't.

I like eye candy as much as the next person, but when "the haves" tell the "have nots" their zoas worthless, it's like...
Dayum. :-o
OMGWTFBBQ! I have a few browns ones like in the link. I sell them to you for $free 99.

$100 for hornets. damn. i got a 6p i'll ship to you for $45pp
that was a pretty ignorant post. people like that make me sick.... they are in this hobby and see nothing but money signs.

morurnda, i too am one of those people who stare into my tank and say " My Precious " i just dont cared if they are LE or trash like stated in that thread. but i would never pay these crazy prices. i guess i am what you would call a budget reefer :)
that was a pretty ignorant post. people like that make me sick.... they are in this hobby and see nothing but money signs.

morurnda, i too am one of those people who stare into my tank and say " My Precious " i just dont cared if they are LE or trash like stated in that thread. but i would never pay these crazy prices. i guess i am what you would call a budget reefer :)

Don't get me wrong, I stare at my corals every day. I just can't get off on teeny frags that cost hundreds of dollars.
Those palys tend to take over a tank as fast as apstasia. I don't think the post was a personal attack. Maybe the poster just had a problem with that coral in his tank. He probably did not mean to come of as rude in his post.
I picked up a $5 frag in a random frag tank at a LFS that was just a bunch of "garbage" frags. They said it was brown button polyps. I took them home, put them under actinics and they're a bright red, so I look around and I guess they're Kedd Redds. $5 for a dozen polyps sounds good to me. :)

I also found a Ricordea in that frag tank for $5. This has become my favorite way to buy corals. :) Buy the random "brown" coral and see what it really is.
Those palys tend to take over a tank as fast as apstasia. I don't think the post was a personal attack. Maybe the poster just had a problem with that coral in his tank. He probably did not mean to come of as rude in his post.

if that was the way it was ment to be posted i do believe there are many other ways he could have worded it instead of short and to the point. but the fact the poster made it a point to say they are worthless makes me believe that is in fact not the case. but who knows, i could be wrong and some people say some stupid things and this is of course a public forum with people from all over the world.
I picked up a $5 frag in a random frag tank at a LFS that was just a bunch of "garbage" frags. They said it was brown button polyps. I took them home, put them under actinics and they're a bright red, so I look around and I guess they're Kedd Redds. $5 for a dozen polyps sounds good to me. :)

I also found a Ricordea in that frag tank for $5. This has become my favorite way to buy corals. :) Buy the random "brown" coral and see what it really is.

that my friend is one of the best ways to shop for frags!! i do it all the time and i am always finding things to look alot better and color up when under my lights.
Its really right there next to the posts ive noticed more and more of in the reefdiscussion forum discussing how to kill off certain corals in their tanks. I dont understand why some are insistent on destroying what they could just frag off and give away to someone that maybe isnt as well off and is trying to make it in this hobby.
Its really right there next to the posts ive noticed more and more of in the reefdiscussion forum discussing how to kill off certain corals in their tanks. I dont understand why some are insistent on destroying what they could just frag off and give away to someone that maybe isnt as well off and is trying to make it in this hobby.

well said, but this is not always the case. i have done this many times and it gets to the point were you can no longer find people to give the stuff too. but i do agree that they should try giving the stuff away to fellow reefers before destroying it.
my favorite coral I have ever owned was a GSP. I seen a little piece of rubble at the LFS with 3 little polyps on it and snagged it up, dang near everybody would call it worthless or even a plague but I love it and have yet to see any others that come close to the colors mine have :)

Just tryin to point out "worth" is in the eyes of the owner in this hobby, personally I don't care how limited rare super uber nuclear your whatever is I will only give ya $1 for it if it's not what I like.