Hey Hey from the VI!

Helfrichs Chic

New member
Hello fraggers! I wanted to pop in and post up some pics for you all to enjoy :D I set up a photography website but not sure if I can post it on here.... I will ask.

Were settling in nicely here on The beautiful island of St Thomas. Its been fantastic weather since we've arrived last month and we've been busy busy busy! Ive only had time to get into the water a half dozen times but we took the car barge over to St. John last week for my birthday. Some AWESOME water over there! Sadly much of the elkhorn coral is missing :( :( :( Hurricanes, tourism, bleaching ect. Its really sad but there are spots (hard to get to) where its still grows. Other corals, brains especially are everywhere, zoas too and of course lots of sponged and sea fans and LOTS of amazing fish. Very pretty wrasses.

Its a LOT of fun for anyone whos a nature nut! Theres iguanas EVERYWHERE they sit in the tree tops starring you down and I have a flock of amazing green and yellow headed parrots that live outside my house. They are brown throated conures I found out today but are emerald green and bright yellow heads, so pretty! Everything is SO green and lush, mongoose running around and some of the prettiest hummingbirds Ive ever seen. It rains several times a day here and then after that the frogs come out and the chorus of crickets and frogs sound like those relaxation soundtracks. Pulling off bananas, mangos, avocados and coconuts from the trees in my yard has become something I dont think I could live without and last week I planted a huge 8x4 raised bed garden with over 22veggies and herbs. Its one heck of an experience so far. Pretty stressful at times, but when you drive over a hill and see the blue caribbean, it seems...... worth it all. Speaking of hills!!! OMG its like San Francisco on CRACK! Our driveway has to be a 60% grade and most of the island is like that. I finally got the nerve to drive last week! HAHHA im a sissy! Its redic. and driving on the left takes some getting used to... especially on right hand turns! HAHA! Anyways enjoy the pics and hope everyone is still active and enjoying the club!

We link up you latah! (getting my island speak-on ;) ) onto the pics!





Yea that was a really sad situation a couple years back. There is crime here - much like anywhere else. We kinda treat it like downtown phoenix. Dont go down dark alleys at night, drunk flashing money or electronics and being stupid. We are very aware of our surroundings and actually live in a VERY safe area. Crime is pretty bad in the Caribbean in general. Most of the crime is unfortunately young men involved in illegal guns and drugs taking out retaliation on each other - poor education system and poverty only add fuel to the fire. Its devastating but sometimes innocents get caught in the crossfire. Not all but most islanders wont touch a tourist, after all the tourism industry is the heartbeat of this island and the police here REALLY are hard on perps committing crimes to non locals. After visiting quite a few places in the Caribbean I feel much safer here and St. Croix than say, Belize or Honduras. Belize was especially scary and in the daytime even. Be smart, be aware and don't be out late at night, drunk or being an idiot.

I will say that the west indians that we've encountered are some of the NICEST people Ive ever met. Ive found a new love for rastifari, they just get it. The best thing about island life is how laid back it is. There is no one trying to keep up with the Jonses, and no one gives a crap if you have no makeup or you hair is a mess. People are just so much more accepting and regarding crime, everyone really looks out for one another after all the island is only 28sq miles and chances are that you will see that person again! The biggest thing is that you smile, and give the proper island greeting: good morning, good day/afternoon and good night when you meet anyone or enter/leave a building. Its considered rude not to. Smile, give the greeting and people open right up.

The BEST phrase Ive heard is "Its not perfect but it is Paradise."

Be careful in AZ too! People can be so horrible sometimes. :(
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yes, it can happen anywhere, I lived in the Caribbean for years and I know first hand how dangerous it is, I had a very bad experience (near death), which is why I posted my concern, I am familiar with St. Thomas

being a foreigner/minority on an island of 50,000 people compared to phoenix of 1.5 million
Oh gosh I am sorry that happened to you! Where was it? Shoot me a PM, any info in helping to avoid situations is much appreciated.
I'll try to send you a PM tomorrow, too tired at the moment and would rather not go into it on a forum like this...
Awesome pics can't wait to go!!! Just got our passports this week. But off to Cozumel first in April to see some batfish and do some scuba diving :))))))
Great pics. I wouldn't expect there to be too many Acropora palmatas left. There was a virus that took most of the population out last year. We will probably never see it in the way it was in our life time.

It's good to see you are doing okay over there. Keep the teaser pics coming. LOL
Im so jealous! I wish I could take your place for a month. LOL... I totally love how you say you have a new love for a the rastafari's and how they just "get it" I bet you will do your best to never come back to the states. The pics are amazing and thanks for sharing. I'd be afraid of an iguana smacking me with his tail from a tree. lol.. My ex b-friend from many moons ago had one and he had a mean swat! :) Take care, enjoy everything, and please dont forget us desert people... ha ha ha!