Hey Jeremy


New member
Hello from alaska- The blue MH 20,000 geisman that i got from you all a month ago seems to be at best half as bright as it was. It was the one that you sent the photo of where the bulb comes with a burn in. So the two 14,000 that come in the Sununit look plenty bright, but the 20,000 is major less bright. If this is burn in i am concerned.
THanks for the reply,
Hi Jason,

Two things are happening....

First, the Giesemann 20k burns as little more white at first before it is fully burned in, then it starts to turn a little more blue. Even though your total output is roughly the same, to the naked eye a whiter light is visually brighter than a bluer light. So it gives the appearance that your output is less, when in reality it hasn't really changed at all. The Giesemann is kind of odd in that most blue bulbs appear more blue at first, then whiten up as time goes by. The Giesemann actually does the opposite.

The second thing is that you have adjusted to the lighting yourself. When you first fire it up it appears very bright, as it is a brand new light. Over time you adjust to this light, and get used to having it around, and it no longer appears to have that "kick" that it once did.
