When it rains, it pours (literally)! Not only did I wake up to discover that some of Ida's residual rain here in PA found its way into our basement, but also the return U tube that hangs over the rim of my display had sprung a leak! (Of course compared to folks in the south who were in Ida's path, this is nothing and I will not lose sight of that). My things were mere inconveniences that were fairly easily remedied. I put every fan we own down in the basement and they are doing the job. Then I went to Lowes and bought JB water weld. The leak was small and I was hoping that would work. I had the return pump turned off for about an hour and a half so the weld could set and harden some. When I turned the return pump back on, the patch seems to be holding! I ordered a new U tube return from Bulk Reef Supply that should be here in the next week or so. I guess it might not hurt to keep a bucket under that area, ha ha! Never a dull moment! That's what I get for saying that things were humming along nicely, not that I believe in jinx's.