High Nutrient Macro Algae/Sea Grass Reef

What test kits did you buy? I use Salifert and they're probably expired now too. I bet my numbers are through the roof. I guess I should test them LOL.
Yep, I also use Salifert. So if yours are expired they may not be giving you accurate readings. I was mostly worried about my inverts because I know that they cannot tolerate overly high nitrates. Now that I did the water change and the nitrates came down, maybe that isn't as much of a concern. Do you know if high phosphates have any negative effects on inverts?
What test kits did you buy? I use Salifert and they're probably expired now too. I bet my numbers are through the roof. I guess I should test them LOL.
That's a good question. I brought home some tunicates and had a couple die off, but, that's not unusual after a collecting trip to have some get damaged in the net or during transport. The others are doing great though. But, you had me wondering about my water quality having an effect on them. That might also explain why I can't find my anemones, although they often crawl off into my reef and appear months later on the other side of the tank. I need to stop being lazy and get back to testing after I buy new test kits.

Most of my testing lately surrounds my QT tanks, test for copper levels, SG, ammonia and nitrite. All of those are up to date (copper and SG are digital). But, my nitrate and phosphate kits are pretty old LOL.
I need to stop being lazy and get back to testing after I buy new test kits.

Most of my testing lately surrounds my QT tanks, test for copper levels, SG, ammonia and nitrite. All of those are up to date (copper and SG are digital). But, my nitrate and phosphate kits are pretty old LOL.
I would have to say that you are doing way better than I am. All my test kits were in the 2020- 2021 expiration range, LOL. I should be ashamed to admit that but I almost never use the test kits anyway, which is probably even worse. I am only testing now because I am trying to get my system in the best shape possible so we can go on our trip. I am a reefer who relies more on my observation skills and the tank is looking very good.

In regard to your inverts, it may be exactly what you think. I would imagine that not everything makes it through the collection process plus nems often up and relocate. I guess its not a bad idea to test with current kits and just see what the numbers say. At the end of the day, what really matters is what does the reef say? From your last video, I'd say that your eco system is doing pretty well!
Today I bought some Phosguard and am using it. I will test again in a day or so. I hate adding phosphate reducers but mine are reading crazy high. When using the Salifert test, do you set the color vial on the white of the color reader or do you just hover over the white portion of the color reader?
Today I bought some Phosguard and am using it. I will test again in a day or so. I hate adding phosphate reducers but mine are reading crazy high. When using the Salifert test, do you set the color vial on the white of the color reader or do you just hover over the white portion of the color reader?
I believe you set it down
I hate to admit this John but I actually just use tap water. But yes, I could test my tap water.
This made me laugh so loud. I was afraid to admit that I use well water and not RO/DI :D:eek::ROFLMAO:!!!!

I have an RO/DI unit just waiting for me to build my water changing station. I have to make room for it so I've been procrastinating since I set up the oyster reef tank!
This made me laugh so loud. I was afraid to admit that I use well water and not RO/DI :D:eek::ROFLMAO:!!!!

I have an RO/DI unit just waiting for me to build my water changing station. I have to make room for it so I've been procrastinating since I set up the oyster reef tank!
And your post made me laugh just as loud. I actually have an RO/DI unit up and installed but I am too cheap to buy more cartridges. I have used straight tap water for years.
In fairness to you, the oyster tank was a big project and I can understand not wanting to take on anything else for a while.
Thanks Dawn. My big problem is that I need to make space, which means a big cleanup. I have more stuff than will fit in my house LOL.
Well folks, I was blaming the municipal water but I tested both the tap and my can of newly made saltwater and both are zero PO4. I have no choice but to accept that I am the culprit for the jump in PO4! As I pondered that, I remembered that about 3 months ago I thought it would be a good idea to dose phytoplankton or zooplankton to increase my pod population. I was adding a capful of one or the other of those everyday. I had also added another feeding because the old expired test kits was reading lower nitrates than I was comfortable with. So those changes are no doubt the cause for the jump in PO4. I am thinking that I will just go back to my weekly water changes and cut down to one frozen feeding a day. Slowly the nutrients should right themselves.
So I have been staying the course and the tank looks great. My phosphate are still higher than my brain says that they should be but in reality, they are probably where I have been running them for years. Who knows how long the old expired test kit was not registering a true reading? Its hard to argue with how good the tank looks. I keep trying to post a pic but it always tells me that my pic is too big even though I lessened the pixels in the camera. So I guess you will just have to take my word for it.
I keep trying to post a pic but it always tells me that my pic is too big even though I lessened the pixels in the camera. So I guess you will just have to take my word for it.
Try emailing the photos to yourself Dawn. I use a photo compression app.
Today the tank got it's last cleaning and water change before our motorcycle road trip to Skagway, Alaska. The trip will be 23 days if all goes as planned.

I changed the batteries yesterday in the battery back up pumps and the auto fish feeder. I removed a lot of macroalgae as I expect to come home to an overgrown jungle. As long as it's a functioning overgrown jungle, I am ok with that. My sister and son will each come once a week to check on things (like the ATO reservoir) and to give the fish some frozen food. I feel like I have prepared to the best of my ability and now I just need to let the chips fall where they may.