High Nutrient Macro Algae/Sea Grass Reef

Been doing some motorcycle touring with Dave? Where'd you go? My wife and I are gradually winding down our business, so we're getting there! Sorry I've been MIA as well. I do look in from time to time. I'd love to see a pic of your tank again, at your convenience.
Hey Michael, it's great to hear from you. So, are you and your wife retiring? I highly recommend it, ha ha!

Yes as a matter a fact Dave and I have done some motorcycling,,,,we went to Skagway, Alaska. It was EPIC!, although I will say that our window of opportunity was quickly closing on a trip of this magnitude. We will never do it again but are so glad we did it.
Sorry Michael, I can't seem to post pics anymore. It always says the file is too big. My tank is doing well however. I can try to send a Google pic. The first one is us at Alaska.
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Except me. I don’t think Mrs griss and I will ever be able to afford to retire😞
Dave felt the same way as you do but then one morning he went to work and was just pushed over the edge and knew it was time to quit come what may! We had talked to a financial planner about ten years ago and then again 3 years ago. We didn't do things exactly as he suggested but I still think we will be ok.
I did a water change and some tank tidying up this weekend. My water changes are getting further apart with my husband's retirement, I am just busy with more stuff now. So far the tank looks just fine but I probably should change out more water since I am only doing water changes every 3 weeks now.

I did take out a huge amount of macroalgae which considering their growth, they must be taking up a lot of nutrients. I need to test NO3 and PO4 to see exactly where things are nutrient wise. I still add Coral vite for trace minerals weekly and iron as I think of it. The tank is more softies with only a few LPS so hopefully the water changes are keeping up with calcium and alkalinity consumption.

The fish are all doing great as are the inverts, (except Crusty, the coral banded shrimp. He disappeared about a week ago but he was the longest lived shrimp that I think I ever had. He way outlived his contemporaries who were in the tank with him, so I guess it was just his time.

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Your tank looks as nice as ever Dawn!
Thanks Kevin, it has actually improved since that pic. I am only doing about 5 gallons water change every 3-4 weeks now. I still add Coral vite and iron regularly. It seems the coral prefer less water changes. The sinularia has really grown, probably a third bigger than it was a few months ago.

I am working less and enjoying the tank more, so it's a win-win!

How are your tanks doing? I would love to see some pics when you get a chance.
Glad to hear that Dawn. We miss you posting pics as often as you were for a while😉
I know griss, I got frustrated trying to post pics using the attached files as it always says my files are too big, even when I changed the settings on my phone to use less pixels.

Not being very tech savvy the only way I know to post a pic is using my Google pics but unfortunately, occasionally I purge my Google photos to free up space. I will try and take some recent pics though.
Hi Dawn!!!
Hi Jesse, how are you? Did you and your wife set up your tanks yet? I can still offer some free macroalgae and frags to help you get started or fill in. None of my stuff is exotic but it is easy grow tried and true that does not require high maintenance. Just high nutrients, ha ha!
I know griss, I got frustrated trying to post pics using the attached files as it always says my files are too big, even when I changed the settings on my phone to use less pixels.

Not being very tech savvy the only way I know to post a pic is using my Google pics but unfortunately, occasionally I purge my Google photos to free up space. I will try and take some recent pics though.
I’m with you, I’m not very tech savvy either.
I'm doing well. The tank is cleaned and sitting here. Going out to the storage locker to pick up my old rock and lighting to start cycling.Also have to get Christmas Decorations. Thank you, we'll talk.
I am working less and enjoying the tank more, so it's a win-win!

How are your tanks doing? I would love to see some pics when you get a chance.
Yes, definitely a win-win! I like that approach. In fact, my tanks need a LOT of work to become picture worthy, but I guess I'll try and get some good pics soon. My fish in both tanks are doing well though. I've been a bit lazy lately, taking the less work part a bit too far :D