I am floored. I've no idea what to think! I was looking into my new T. squamosa's siphon and I see some detritus. I think nothing of it. Then I am examining his gills and hiding wayyy in the back is a small shrimp, maybe 1" long body at most! He didn't come from my tank! The clam comes from the Marshall Islands facility, and I'm guessing that since Barry had the clam for 5 weeks without any trouble that the shrimp is harmless. Still, I thought I'd leave a message here to see if anyone else had an experience like this. The shrimp is just sitting there like it owns the place!
Anyone have any suggestions?
The shrimp is clear with lots of black dots on it. I hope the shrimp doesn't come out and kill stuff in my tank at night.
Anyone have any suggestions?
The shrimp is clear with lots of black dots on it. I hope the shrimp doesn't come out and kill stuff in my tank at night.