Hmm Who's still around these days?

@shred5 David, I agree compuserve was the beginning. Prior to that for me, I had one of those names at a LFS. I was able to spend lots of time just trying to learn what he was absorbing in school. When compuserve came out my closest dial-up was NYC. Phone bills got pretty expensive. After speed became a thing and the internet improved and we starting getting local dial=ups. Then it didn't take me long to find RC. I lurked for a few years then after absorbing what I could I joined. Nice thing is it's all still here. I can just do a search and read through the old stuff on here, sometimes laughing sometimes crying I'm laughing so hard. I still get a kick from some older posts on here.

By the way, Dana is still around. We touch base about once a week. It's never about the hobby though. It's more about life. Well. he also still loves his Vetts!!!
@shred5 David, I agree compuserve was the beginning. Prior to that for me, I had one of those names at a LFS. I was able to spend lots of time just trying to learn what he was absorbing in school. When compuserve came out my closest dial-up was NYC. Phone bills got pretty expensive. After speed became a thing and the internet improved and we starting getting local dial=ups. Then it didn't take me long to find RC. I lurked for a few years then after absorbing what I could I joined. Nice thing is it's all still here. I can just do a search and read through the old stuff on here, sometimes laughing sometimes crying I'm laughing so hard. I still get a kick from some older posts on here.

By the way, Dana is still around. We touch base about once a week. It's never about the hobby though. It's more about life. Well. he also still loves his Vetts!!!

Yea he post on FB about the Vetts.

Yea he is Atlanta now right?. He is got a forum on the other site. I think the last time I saw him was Imac. He was sitting on the floor in a hallway having coffee and a donut and I sat next to him with a coffee and a donut and we started talking. We were waiting for Tullio to give a talk on lighting. We started talking lighting and I was way hung over because it was the first talk of the morning. After about 10 min I went wait your Dana, I had no idea it was him at first.. He asked who I was and he was like oh I remember you from fishnet. Pretty much the only interaction we had since fishnet. I have had a few emails and chatted with him on the other forum and FB a few times but that has been about it. Really we spent most of the time talking about the shutdown in Hawaii.

He is a nice guy. I remember at the end of fishnet he was battling with Richard Harker. I never cared for that guy always fighting with everyone. I was talking to Julian Sprung at the last Macna and I think he said Richard left the country. He attacked me once online it was very funny. I think he may have been banned form RC. I know he was booted from Ron Shimek's forum here. He hated Ron and trolled him everywhere.
Yes, I believe he's in Atlanta now. He came back here a little while back. In the old days the trolling thing just got really out of hand. Those of us that went through it had to develope tougher skin or just bow out. Sometimes the conversations got out of hand, but if you looked at them now, we learned quite a bit.
From what I see on FB is most of the LFS set up tanks for others and instead of what we did, the LFS deals with any problems instead of the hobbiest dealing with it. It's really crazy out there.
From what I see on FB is most of the LFS set up tanks for others and instead of what we did, the LFS deals with any problems instead of the hobbiest dealing with it. It's really crazy out there.

This is definitely the case around here. The big 3 SW LFS around here are all service oriented, with one having service in the name (Matt’s Corals and service) and one have service in their motto (Aquarium Adventure - A full service aquarium store). The other one seems to focus more on product sales with service being offered to those who “feel it’s too much work but want the end result”.
I was certainly involved in many heated arguments back in the day and likely the source of plenty of frustration with the moderators and staff, some of whom I am sure still don't care for me even if they are no longer around ;)

I am still as opinionated (maybe more?) but am much more selective about where I am willing to argue, who I choose to argue with and about what. Trolls have not changed much over the years - it is just learning not to feed them that makes the difference.

At one point somewhere between CompuServe and IRC reef chat there was a MUD that was setup as a reefing community instead of actually being a MUD. I can't (for the life of me remember the name) but it was linked/promoted in the IRC reef chat and people hung out in there and talked. It was where I was first told I was an idiot if I didn't use halides.

As for maintenance - I have never really enjoyed it. I don't mind tinkering with things but would gladly have somebody else do the day-to-day maintenance so that I could just look in the glass and enjoy.
…where I was first told I was an idiot if I didn't use halides...

I remember reading those discussions, not necessarily yours but in general, back in the day on here even. Asking about using a grow light or using those outdoor halide fixtures they sold at Home Depot and Lowe’s and being told the reflectors won’t work that well and being told I’d be better off keeping my power compacts because the cheap halides were junk and won’t grow a coral unless it was Lumenarc, Lumen Bright, Hamilton, or some other expensive name brand.