

Premium Member
Does anyone know if there are any localities which have space for community type events? There seems to be tons of tax $$ spent for all sorts of things community related, seems like a possibility..?
That, or maybe take over a park BBQ area and if someone happened to rent a small honda generator????? I mean, before we start renting out the Collisium and all :)
When BARE was looking for somewhere to meet for the Steve Tyree presentation, I called up some libraries and community centers, and generally all have places you can rent for $50 or so. Sometimes you have to be a resident of that city to book the space.

Heck, even Roundtable Pizza has a "party room" as do many other big family restaurants (Chevy's, for instance).

Try calling the local library first, from there they can give you leads to other venues.

Who knows, universities/colleges/high schools might do it too, for some fee.
