this strange to you as well?


New member
Today i had to catch all my fish to treat ich in QT :('s been about 3 hours since i finished tearing down almost whole reef, which obviously caused a storm.......BUT all five SPS pieces i have so far in my 120g were moved down about 12"-15" and they are all showing different, even more brilliant colors? Not only are they 12-15 inches farther from halides, but they are in much less turbid areas??
are they getting more light from actinics now? the glass surfaces of a tank can bounce the light around, and if they are getting more flourscence hitting them i would think they would appear more vibrant.
nope, further from actinics as well...........i have a ssb so do you mean bouncing of sides and front glass? 2 are closer to a pane, but the other 3 are about same distance as before.

yes, turbulent....
that is why i am thinking it has to be light, no other factor would change quickly.
when a coral is high up it is getting light from above, but its likely not getting any from the sides via reflection, which it will get when it is a foot deeper. my sps tend to be brightest on the areas that have been getting direct light, but this happens over weeks. perhaps by moving them you have exposed to your view a part of the coral that was in direct light before?
i believe you are right......its notthat the sps changed colors in a few hours, but what they look like to my eye has changed significantly, probably due to the reflecting of light and its viewing angle as well maybe?

either way...they look more brilliant now? so if i move them back up when i re-aquascape they may go back to a more washed out look? that stinks!!
you have control over the placement of the coral and the light. make sure you light up what looks best and if that means moving some lights around, so be it. i feel that more thought should be put into where the rocks are going to be before lighting decisions are made. on my 90 i have a se and a de, and i like them both.
i did set up L.R. first(back when i set up tank) then bought and hung lights where i wanted them(hanging from ceiling, no full canopy)
i wouldn't think it would be possible with 12k; i have used one.
you didn't mention what type of sps...
well....they've been in QT for about 10 hours only....
i had a chromis refuse to come out of a big l.r., so i had to hammer a piece off :)
I had a hard time getting my fish out.
I ended up draining my tank down to about 2 inches. I have had my fish in the hospital tank for about 3 weeks now.
All my fish are doing better now. :)
hey eagles... How are you treating for the ich?.. whats your hospital tank set up? Im afaraid Im going to have to do the same thing soon and am curious how you are handling the ich
i'm using a black tub that holds about 40g.(if you use glass aq., cover the front and sides in something dark)

low lighting, a little actinic only

different size pvc pieces for hiding

2 maxi-jet 900's for circulation

starting to lower salinity today, with a 25% w.c. with 1.009 water(ph buffered/matched)

barebottom to siphon everyday(waste) --- along with a 10-20% w.c. everyday(ph matched & temp.)(testing ammonia daily to see if i need more/bigger water change

will keep in hypo for 4-6 weeks after last visible sign of ich is gone