Holding Tank neglect help.


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I have seriously neglected my holding tank for the last few weeks. I did some tests and it's not good.

The big concerns are the Alk and sg.

The SG has crept up to 1030 as I had unplugged my ato by mistake. And my Alk is at 4.5, yes that is right. I've tested it three times and sane result. I have a h. Crispa anemone in there with some live rock, blastos and zoas and blieve it or not everyday everything is happy. All open, no depths or receding etc.

How do I get things back on track. What should I address first?

Address it all at the same time...Slowly decrease salinity and increase alk. ( check mag and cal too)...
Alk no more than like .5dkh a day...salinity over a week or so..