Hole in the Wall from across the Pond


New member
Hi all.

I thought I would share my plans for my new reef tank. :)

I moved into my new home just before Christmas, the main reason for the purchase was the large cellar (basement).
The idea is a hole in the wall tank viewable from my cinema room, please bear with me it will e slow progress......

The following pictures show the future fish room and cinema room....

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Looks like you have some room to play with there.. Any idea on the size of tank you are going to setup?
Yes mate.

It will be a 7ftx3.5ftx2.5ft, not sure on the sump size yet may just reuse a 4x2x2 I have.
A few updates, Mainly making a mess :( need to strip back the walls to deal with any damp.

Position of tank


Acros in place before wall was partially removed.


A little help from my friend clearing the to be cinema room
