Holy Cow- for those as anal as i am about water chemistry


So if your doing the recommended 10 percent weekly water change on a 100g system, theoretically you'll end up with 65g of old water and 35g of new water at the end of the month. In other words, on your 2nd, 3rd, and 4th water change, you'll end up removing a total 5g of "new" water.

Once I setup my automatic water change system, I think I might set it up to have more of a 50/50 balance at the end of the month. Any thoughts?
No no Bandomo- thats not how it works.

The moment you drop "new" water into the tank, it is now considered "old" water.

The point to take away from all these arguments is that, YES, smaller more frequent waterchanges will decrease, lets call it percentage. But it has been proven to be minimal if at all significant, when compared to less frequent larger WC's.

There is currently another thread going on on RC, very long winded, and lots of math, and equations, but at the end the conclusion is the same Randy Holmes Farley spoke about years ago in his article called "Water changes. You can find it in the Reef Chemistry Forum Archives. If you cant find LMK.

For those interested in lots of math and equations that state the same thing: Here is the link.

on a similar note....what parameters do you all try and keep your tanks running at? I'm always curious to see where people keep their tanks at.