homer1475's Biocube 29 Build Thread

I look back and find I was much happier making a lot less money but now with a kid it really is not possible to go back to that lifestyle. Daycare is WAY too much money. 1300 a month for me in my area...
Great build buddy! I just started my Biocube 29 at the beginning of April as well. Its amazing the difference between your tank and mine(Yours actually looks good lol). You can tell mine was done by a newb! Glad to see how great yours has turned out!. Here is what mine looks like:
Looks good stephen. I'm a newb too, but with a lot of help from here, its coming along nicely. Just get involved with this community, there are people here that are more then happy to help and share their knowledge with you.

Mine was started back in feburary, just got around to doing a build thread in april.
looks like I'll be QT'ing my angel, and leaving my DT fallow for 60 or so day(think thats what I read? Will have to reread).

Going to go with the hyposalinity method, since it is an angel and I read they don't do well with copper. Have my QT setting up, PVC in place, bare bottom(best way for ich), set at 1.025 right now, will decrease over the next 48 hours to 1.009 once I tear apart my DT and catch the little bugger to put him in QT.

My only question for this method, is the biological filtration. I read with hyposalinity unlike copper method, it won't kill any bacteria. I have the seachem biomatrix media in my DT, and a aquaclear HOB on my QT. If I fill up the HOB with the matrix media, that should give me plenty of biological filtration? My thinking is I don't really need it in my DT(have 45pounds of live rock), and its already seeded with bacteria, so it should work well? I will get another bottle and add it back to my DT, and leave whats in the QT in there.

Was going to setup another QT, but my wife had a fit. So seeing as my clowns are only a week into QT, and they'll have to stay there as long as the angel anyways(looks like they may have ich as well), I'm just going to QT them together.
72 days minimum fallow.

I would say to use tank transfer then hypo

You don't need to cycle your qt if you are willing to do water changes. Since you are not dosing copper you can get away with water changes

You have 2 tanks do start tank transfer
Well since my tank is now empty(fishless), I figured I could start throwing more coral in it. Unfortunately I still can't find what I'm looking for(orange Octospawn, torch, the right acan), I bought a small frag of GSP.

Homer have you looked for any frag swaps in your area? That is how I see some of the rarer and more colorful things. I dont typically buy there as I was not to the level to want something rare but at least it helps you find things locally.

Check out fragswapper.com and see if you can find anything close to you.
Yeah I've visited that site, only problem, most swaps happen on weekends when I don't have time. Weekends are busy in a tourist town, I typically have Tuesday and/or Wednesday off depending on the season.

FYI soul, most cell phones take excellent pics depending on the model(referring to your thread where you took pics with your note). Every pic I've posted has been taken with my BlackBerry Passport.
well tell ya what. You send me money and I will buy beautiful corals to put in my tank and then send you pics/videos of them....

Sounds fair to me
How about you just keep posting pics, and I'll keep liking them. :D

Just had to take the entire rock out of the tank to catch my flame angel. For the life of me I couldn't get the rockwork back the way I like it. Had to get everything back in the tank. 2 hours without water, I'm sure is going to cause a mini cycle.

It just looks like a pile of rock now. :(
Sorry to hear about the rockwork. At least now you have a while without bothering any fishes to rearrange to your heart's content!
Stupid fish not cooperating....

Tell me about it, such a huge PITA!!! Best part is, its her fish. Mine(the clowns) I caught with no issue, I could almost scoop them up in my hand.

Sorry to hear about the rockwork. At least now you have a while without bothering any fishes to rearrange to your heart's content!

My only concern was killing off bacteria and such in the rock, and my frags are glued to my rocks, as well as my snails that kept getting smacked with a fallen rock. LOL I'll probably play with it again tomorrow.

Well I lost my flame angel, no idea what hapened, Woke up yesterday morning to him floating in the bucket. As you may know I'm doing tank to tank transfer to clear the fish of ich. Have an ammonia badge in there with them and it says all is good. Salinity is a rock solid 1.025, temp at 78.6, and again 0 ammonia, so I have no idea what happened. The clowns are doing great though and actually seem happy to be in a smaller environment for now.

Actually jamroz37, the flipper nano is so small and compact, you would be surprised where it will fit. But I will agree that I need to move some rock around so it's not so much on the glass.
:( sorry to her about that. Glad that the clowns are doing well.

I'm still wanting to add two more fairy wrasses, but I'm so nervous about adding fishes and getting ich. I've been lucky so far. In my 120g, there was ich, but I had a cleaner shimp who did regular cleanings, and since I had a huge skimmer they all ate well, so I didn't really mind. Now with the nano, none of those apply, so I'm always nervous.

If you do move the rocks around, you should consider my philosophy (handed down to me by generations of experienced reefers) of trying to minimize rock-and-sand surface connection. I.e. try to stack the rocks in a way to minimize the deadzone contact between the sand bed and rocks.
Oh definitely going to give it another go, I'm in it for the long haul.

Great philosophy Reefwreak! Think when I give it another go(68 days to go), I'll try that method. I think I'm going to leave it be for a few days to let stuff settle.

I've have noticed now with the way the rockwork is, my sand sifting sea star isn't happy, and I have some minor diatom blooms from lack of circulation on the sand bed. I do however notice a ton of different pods crawling all over the sand. Silly me thinking they had died off. I guess with the way the circulation was, it was to heavy for them to be out on the sand bed.
Well since I can't do any fish right now, I went to the LFS for some supplies and ended up with a coco worm. Now I just need to figure out my rock work to get him in there properly.

Got a couple new case fans to try out for cooling, going to place them on the bottom side of some egg crate I replaced the back cover with. Just not totally sure if I should have them blowing into the tank, or out?. Need to wait on a 12V power supply to wire into the extra switch for the other 4 LED fixtures I'm not using.

FYI I went to wal-mart, target, k-mart, staples, best buy, and office max(no radio shack around me anymore) looking for a 12v power supply, no one had one, or some of the pimply faced kids at the "electronics store" had no clue what I was even talking about. Ended up buying one on ebay for 4.99$. Just have to wait for it to be delivered now.
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