First off. Maintaining your Cal levels is a good thing no matter what you have, sps, lps or softies. ALL corals use calcium to grow, hard or not. 400-450 sounds good if you can keep if up there, great.
As far as the iodine, you should NOT be dosing Iodine unless you have been testing for it and found it to be lacking in your system. It is FATAL if overdosed. The problem with iodine testing is that tests aren't accurate due to the fact that the tank inhabitants use it up from the water column almost instantly. So if your testing for it you will probably see it's low. That doesn't mean anything really cause your corals could have all they need, or they might not, you won't know. It's a lot like when someone that is having major hair algae problems so they test for P04 and the test reads 0. We all know that if they have tons of algae, they have lots of P04, however the algae takes it out of the water column so fast you really can't get accurate tests for it. So, IMO dosing iodine should really be avoided, and proper levels should be able to be maintained through regular water changes.